Self-thinning lines and allometric relation in Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) stands

来源 :Journal of Forestry Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chubiao5201314
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We calculated a self-thinning exponent of 1.05 for tree mass using the 3/2 power equation in 93 Cunninghamia lanceolata plots.According to Weller’s allometric model,the self-thinning exponent for tree mass was calculated as 1.28 from the allometric exponents h and d.The both self-thinning exponents were significantly lower than 3/2.The self-thinning exponent of organs was estimated to be 1.42 for stems,0.93 for branches,0.96 for leaves,1.35 for roots and 1.28 for shoots,respectively.The self-thinning exponent of stem mass was not significantly different from 3/2,whereas thinning exponents of trees,branches,leaves and roots were significantly lower than 3/2.The stand leaf mass and stand branch mass were constant regardless of the stand density.The scaling relations among branch,leaf,stem,root and shoot mass(MB,ML,MS,MR and MA,respectively) showed that MB and ML scaled as the3/4 power of MS,whereas MS or MA scaled isometrically with respect to MR. We calculated a self-thinning exponent of 1.05 for tree mass using the 3/2 power equation in 93 Cunninghamia lanceolata plots. According to Weller’s allometric model, the self-thinning exponent for tree mass was calculated as 1.28 from the allometric exponents h and d The both self-thinning exponents were significantly lower than 3 / 2. The self-thinning exponent of organs was estimated to be 1.42 for stems, 0.93 for branches, 0.96 for leaves, 1.35 for roots and 1.28 for shoots, respectively.The self -thinning exponent of stem mass was not significantly different from 3/2, in thinning exponents of trees, branches, leaves and roots were significantly lower than 3 / 2. The stand leaf mass and stand branch mass were constant regardless of the stand density. The scaling relations among branch, leaf, stem, root and shoot mass (MB, ML, MS, MR and MA, respectively) showed that MB and ML scaled as the 3/4 power of MS, MS or MA scaled isometrically with respect to MR.
河北省青龙县毁坏天然林现象十分严重,毁林之后再造经济林现象十分普遍,依靠政策宣传、执法检查、还有高科技手段,有效打击毁坏天然林的违法犯罪行为。 The destruction of