
来源 :河北教育(德育版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:szweixian
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忽然想起自己20岁的样子。那时的我真年轻啊!像一朵花,太阳花,不美丽,却朝气蓬勃。刚开始工作,在一个闭塞的小村子里,教书。和好几个同学,如同被发配边疆一样的分到一个村中心小学。校门口只有一个小卖部,一部公用电话。宿舍里唯一的电器是一盏30度的灯泡,没有插座,是谓“安全”。是啊,太“安全”了。白天,自然是人声鼎沸。夜晚,只有狗叫,风声。那时,村里常常停电。每每停电,我们两个宿舍的四个死党便会凑到一个屋里聊天。那时,周杰 Suddenly remembered his 20-year-old look. At that time, I was so young! Like a flower, sunflower, not beautiful, but full of vigor and vitality. Just started working and teaching in an enclosed village. And several students, as sent to the same frontier village assigned to a village primary school. Only a canteen at the school gate, a public telephone. The only appliance in the dorm is a 30 degree light bulb, without a socket, which means “safe.” Yeah, it’s too safe. During the day, nature is full of voices. Night, only dogs, the wind. At that time, the village often blackouts. In case of a power outage, the four buddies of our two dorm rooms will chat in one room. At that time, Zhou Jie
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