
来源 :南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pandaab
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【目的】探知黑土区侵蚀沟数量、面积和侵蚀程度的变化特点,确定侵蚀沟变化过程的影响因素及其对侵蚀沟变化的影响程度。【方法】依据1965年美国CORONA卫星、2005年法国SPOT5卫星及2012年中国卫星所拍摄的3期乌裕尔河流域遥感影像,提取侵蚀沟信息的变化数据。结合地质地貌、土壤因素、气候特点、土地利用覆盖信息和人为活动状况,分析侵蚀沟的变化过程及主要影响因素。【结果】与1965相比,2012年乌裕尔河流域的侵蚀沟数量增加4.03倍,侵蚀沟长度增加2.67倍,侵蚀沟面积增加6.62倍,平均侵蚀沟裂度增加6.61倍。1965—2005年,侵蚀沟裂度平均每年增加77.45 m2/km2;2005—2012年,侵蚀沟裂度平均每年增加143.51 m2/km2。2005—2012年侵蚀沟裂度增加的速率是1965—2005年的1.85倍。影响乌裕尔河流域侵蚀沟发展过程的主要因素为降水、地形、土壤、土地利用类型和人类活动。其中,侵蚀沟裂度的变化受降水侵蚀力和距居民点距离的影响最大。降水侵蚀力大于120 MJ·mm/(hm2·h·a)后,侵蚀沟裂度显著变大;研究区轻度风险侵蚀沟和中度风险侵蚀沟占83%,强烈风险侵蚀沟占16%,极强烈及剧列风险侵蚀沟占1%。【结论】在黑土区经营过程中,应注意土地资源的保护,按侵蚀沟险度进行科学治理,实现土地资源的可持续利用。 【Objective】 The purpose of this study was to find out the characteristics of the variation of the number, area and erosion degree of the erosion ditch in the black soil area, and to determine the influencing factors of the variation process of the erosion ditch and its influence on the variation of the erosion ditch. 【Method】 Based on the remote sensing images of Wuyuel River Basin in the US (1965 CORONA satellite, France SPOT5 satellite in 2005 and Chinese satellite in 2012), the change of erosion channel information was extracted. Combining with the geology and geomorphology, soil factors, climatic characteristics, land use cover information and man-made activities, the change process and main influencing factors of erosion ditch are analyzed. 【Result】 Compared with 1965, the number of erosion ditch in Wuyuer River Basin in 2012 increased 4.03 times, the length of erosion ditch increased 2.67 times, the erosion ditch area increased 6.62 times and the average erosion ditch crack increased 6.61 times. From 1965 to 2005, the average annual increase of erosion ditch was 77.45 m2 / km2. From 2005 to 2012, the annual average erosion ditch increased by 143.51 m2 / km2. From 2005 to 2012, the rate of increase of the average annual growth rate was 1965-2005 1.85 times. The main factors affecting the development of the eroded gully in the Wuyuel basin are precipitation, topography, soil, land-use types and human activities. Among them, the change of erosion ditch was greatly affected by precipitation erosivity and distance from residential area. After the rainfall erosive force is more than 120 MJ · mm / (hm2 · h · a), the crack of the erosion ditch is significantly larger. The slight risk erosion ditch and the moderate risk erosion ditch occupy 83% of the study area, and the strong risk erosion ditch accounts for 16% , A very strong and drama risk erosion and ditch account for 1%. 【Conclusion】 In the process of black soil management, we should pay attention to the protection of land resources and conduct scientific management according to the risk of erosion so as to realize the sustainable utilization of land resources.
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