学法规明标准 抓规范解难题——西双版纳军分区学习贯彻《纲要》培训的做法

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4月15日至29日,云南西双版纳军分区组织团营连三级主官,进行学习贯彻《纲要》培训,坚持以《纲要》、人武部建设《要则》和条令条例为基本教材,以落实经常性基础性工作为重点,以解决困扰边防连队和人武部建设的重难点问题为突破口,通过学法规明标准、搞辅导理思路、抓规范解难题、练作风树形象,培训了一批按纲抓建的明白人和有心人。一、系统学习法规制度,掌握基层建设标准要求坚持把系统学习基层建设法规制度作为培训的重要内容,扎实抓好领读串讲、授课辅导、讨论点评等环节,帮助大家真正掌握基层建设的标准和要求,明确落实的办法和途径。一是在研读原 From April 15 to 29, Yunnan Xishuangbanna Military Sub-district Organizing Corps battalion escorts the three main officials to carry out training in studying and implementing the “Outline”, insists on the “outline”, the “guidelines” for the establishment of the People’s Armed Forces, and the ordinance as the basic teaching materials. As the key to the implementation of regular basic work, solve the difficult and complicated problems that plague border companies and the armed forces of the border areas as a breakthrough point, and train a batch of students through understanding the standards of laws and regulations, mentoring mentoring, standardizing problems and practicing style images, According to outline the construction of the clear people and caring people. First, systematic study of laws and regulations, grasp the grassroots construction standards Adhere to the systematic study of grassroots construction laws and regulations as an important part of training, a solid grasp of reading series, instructional counseling, comments and other aspects of discussion to help you truly grasp the standards of grassroots construction and Requirements, clearly implemented methods and ways. One is studying the original
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个性万花筒    ★双子座的男孩★  好奇心极强,并且想象丰富,爱动脑筋,勤学好问,言谈幽默诙谐,很活跃。深得家长和老师的喜爱,朋友很多。不过他们通常极不喜欢干家务。    ★双子座的女孩★  这个星座的女孩子聪明伶俐,像一首充满幻想空间的轻音乐一样灵秀清新。她们的个人气质通常有些异域风情。她们很容易被触动情感。体质往往稍显脆弱,然而,这是一个很出美女的星座哦。    星星加油站    ★双子座与
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禹看到我嚼着口香糖突然捂着嘴时,上前一步挨着我:“你又想他了?能跟我说说他吗?”我吐掉血腥味的口香糖,又想起哪个叫煊的男孩。 When I saw my chewing gum suddenly cove