Study on the Geo-Environmental Evolution of the Laolonggou Lagoon Under the Impacts of the Caofeidia

来源 :中国海洋大学学报(自然科学英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:anysome_921
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The Caofeidian Reclamation Project has been the biggest reclamation project in China so far, in which 310 km2 sea areas were reclaimed along the coast of Hebei Province, and it also bring about many problems and defects for large reclaiming area. The study focuses on the influences of the engineering exerted on evolution of the Laolonggou Lagoon with the methods of topographical measurement and surface sediment analysis. The results demonstrate that the topographical changes in the Laolonggou Lagoon had been controlled obviously by the engineering at three stages. Besides, blocking and reopening of the shoal tidal channel also affected the geological environment of the lagoon area. In the aspect of topographical change, the Laolonggou Inlet first experienced deposition after the shoal tidal channel was blocked, followed by short-time eroding for quarrying and cofferdam construction in the east, then depositing slowly after the reclaiming activity ceased, and finally eroding after the shoal tidal channel was reopened. The project, particularly cofferdam construction led to the movement of the Laolonggou Inlet axis from west to east for 50 – 100 m. In the aspect of sediment variation, the reclamation project and hydrodynamic change resulted in the variation in compositions and distribution patt. The west lagoon area has become land mainly constituted by silt, while the sediments in the east area have ted finer in size. After the shoal tidal channel was reopened, the current velocity in the Laolonggou Inlet has been enhanced, making the sediments at the bottom become coarser. The sediments around the Caofeidian foreland went through a process of changing in grain size from fine to coarse and back to fine again, and the sediments are mainly constituted by silt at present.
目的 探讨数控标准化细胞块制备技术(NCS)下宫颈细胞块(CB) p16/Ki-67免疫细胞化学(CINtec PLUS)的染色及判读,同时探讨CINtec PLUS在意义不明确的非典型鳞状细胞(ASC-US)、
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