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1998年1月13日19时12分,新疆维吾尔自治区境内单机最大的水轮发电机组——大山口水力发电厂1号机经过72小时的试运行后正式并网发电,这标志着历经80余天的紧张检修,这个厂首轮机组大修首战顺利告竣。据了解,这是新疆首次对2万千瓦机组实施大修。大山口水力发电厂是迄今新疆最大的水电厂,总装机容量为8万千瓦,这个厂首台机组于1991年12月底并网发电,1992年其余三台机组相继投产。1993年4月至1995年6月对四台机 At 13:12 on January 13, 1998, the largest turbines generating unit in China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region - the Dayangkou Hydropower Plant Unit 1 was formally grid-connected for power generation after 72 hours of trial operation, marking a period of more than 80 days The overhaul of the first round of plant overhaul the smooth victory of the plant completed. It is understood that this is the first time in Xinjiang 20,000 kilowatts units overhaul. Dashankou Hydropower Plant is by far Xinjiang’s largest hydropower plant with a total installed capacity of 80,000 kilowatts. The first unit of the plant was connected to the grid at the end of December 1991 and the other three units were put into operation in 1992. April 1993 to June 1995 on the four machines
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