
来源 :中国通信 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dancy_y
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Fast resources discovery and high Quality of Service(QoS) guarantee are the key determinants for efficient Mobile P2P(MP2P) video sharing.In this paper,we propose a CrossLayer and One-Hop Neighbour-Assisted Video Sharing(CNVS) solution in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks(MANETs).By making use of crosslayer approaches to bridge the overlay and the MAC layer and with the help of dissemination assisted by one-hop neighbours,CNVS intelligently builds the resource-centric self-organization node cluster group.In order to meet the QoS requirement,by making use of video resources access cost model,each peer can disconnect a less efficient connection with the original supplier and choose a peer that provides a low access cost as the new supplier.Simulation results also show how CNVS achieves lower average end-to-end delay,less average number of hops for video data delivery,lower routing overhead and packet loss rate,and higher network throughput than another state-of-the-art solution. Fast resources discovery and high Quality of Service (QoS) guarantee are the key determinants for efficient Mobile P2P (MP2P) video sharing. This paper, we propose a CrossLayer and One-Hop Neighbor-Assisted Video Sharing (CNVS) solution in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) .By making use of crosslayer approaches to bridge the overlay and the MAC layer and with the help of dissemination assisted by one-hop neighbors, CNV intelli intellintly builds the resource-centric self-organization node cluster group.In order to meet the QoS requirement, by making use of video resources access cost model, each peer can disconnect a less efficient connection with the original supplier and choose a peer that provide a low access cost as the new supplier. Simulation results also show how CNVS achieves lower average end-to-end delay, less average number of hops for video data delivery, lower routing overhead and packet loss rate, and higher network throughput than another state-of-the-art solution.
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