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Yang Xiong is one of the most c ontroversi al figures among the literary masters in ancient Sichuan. He used to be very keen on writing the Han prose in his earlier years,yet turned to be negative to it in his later years. Yang Xiong sought no fame and wealth but concentrated on writing and perusing despite poverty and solitude in his late years. His enormous works cover a wide range of subjects top all other literary men in the West Han and East Han Dynasties, delivering far-reaching influence in the literary history of Sichuan and thewhole country as well. Writers of the latergenerations hold Yang Xiong in highesteem. Yang Xiong is one of the most c ontroversi al figures among the literary masters in ancient Sichuan. He used to be very keen on writing the Han prose in his earlier years, yet turned to be negative to it in his later years. no fame and wealth but concentrated on writing and perusing with poverty and solitude in his late years. His enormous works cover a wide range of subjects top all other literary men in the West Han and East Han Dynasties, delivering far-reaching influence in the literary history of Sichuan and thewhole country as well. Writers of the later generalrations hold Yang Xiong in highesteem.
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