Research on Lubrication Behaviors and Mechanism of Nano-Copper Used in Emulsions for Strip Cold Roll

来源 :China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cumtzhanglei
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In this paper,nano-Cu particles with an average size of smaller than 20 nm were dispersed under ultrasonic agitation in emulsions for cold rolling of steel strips.The tribological properties of the cold rolling emulsion doped with nano-Cu particles were evaluated by using a four-ball machine,and the worn surfaces of the steel balls were checked by an optical microscope.A JC2000C1 wetting angle tester was also applied to study the variation in the emulsion’s wetting performance when nano-Cu particles were incorporated.Furthermore,the lubricity of the emulsion doped with nano-Cu for steel strip cold rolling was evaluated on a four-high rolling mill for comparison with the emulsion without using nano-Cu particles.Test results indicated that nano-Cu particles as the additive used in cold rolling emulsion were able to improve the wetting property,friction-reducing,anti-wear,and extreme pressure performance of the base stock significantly.At the same time,nano-Cu particles also showed good lubricity to the cold-rolled steel strips.Namely,the cold-rolled steel strips under the lubrication of the cold rolling emulsion containing nano-Cu particles had considerably decreased the after-rolling thickness and achieved excellent surface quality as well.Finally,the lubrication mechanism of nano-Cu particles in the emulsion for cold rolling of steel strips was discussed. In this paper, nano-Cu particles with an average size of smaller than 20 nm were dispersed under ultrasonic agitation in emulsions for cold rolling of steel strips. The tribological properties of the cold rolling emulsion doped with nano-Cu particles were evaluated by using a four-ball machine, and the worn surfaces of the steel balls were checked by an optical microscope. A JC2000C1 wetting angle tester was also applied to study the variation in the emulsion’s wetting performance when nano-Cu particles were incorporated. the emulsion doped with nano-Cu for steel strip cold rolling was evaluated on a four-high rolling mill for comparison with the emulsion without using nano-Cu particles. Tests Results that nano-Cu particles as the additive used in cold rolling emulsion were able to improve the wetting property, friction-reducing, anti-wear, and extreme pressure performance of the base stock significantly. At the same time, nano-Cu particles also showed good l ubricity to the cold-rolled steel strips. Namely, the cold-rolled steel strips under the lubrication of the cold rolling emulsion containing nano-Cu particles had democratic decreased the after-rolling thickness and achieved excellent surface quality as well. mechanism of nano-Cu particles in the emulsion for cold rolling of steel strips was discussed.
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