Gender Differences in Apologies in Chinese by College Students

来源 :校园英语·中旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:YGLDY1989
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  1. Introduction
  Nowadays, there are a large number of studies on gender difference in language use, however, most of them are limited to western languages, with a few on localized apology performance in Chinese (Guo, 2010, p.177). Therefore, this study attempts to present the gender differences in the performance of apology speech act, especially differences in use of apology strategies between female and male college students.
  2. Methodology
  2.1 Data collection
  This study is conducted on the basis of the corpus of 219 apology exchanges in spoken Chinese mandarin which are extracted from six Chinese TV series and two novels. The TV series and novels are chosen from those produced in recent years, all of which describe the life of college students. Since age and education are important sociolinguistic variables which have great effect on the language use, the data collected for this study are all produced by college students as a special social group in order to ensure the homogeneity.
  The genre of the TV series and novels is strictly limited to those presenting normal life of college students, without those about horror, violence or gunfire. The plots and the interaction between characters are similar to what happens in real daily life. The conversation and language use is close to those in real life as well so that valid data can be ensured. TV series chosen in this study are listed as follows: At the End of College Life,Summer in Being, Red Apple Home, Dream of being a supper star, Smell of Sunshine, Peacock Blue; and two novels are To Our Past Youth, and A Gentleman’s Word. When watching TV series and reading novels on line, the author noted down the dialogues involving expressions of apology in Chinese in the Excel form prepared beforehand. However, in some cases, a direct strategy of apology (with words like “sorry”, “apologize”) does not appear, but other indirect strategies are used. This kind of conversation is also taken down in the Excel form since the author can clearly feel the regret either through his/her countenance or gesture. The Excel form contains 6 items: the name of the play, the time when the apology occurs, and the apologizer ,the apologizee, the context (why the apology is performed), the exact words that are uttered, and the response from the apologizee. Actually, this form indeed provides enough information for the author to examine every apology .
  Most of the research into apologies is based on the data elicited through role-play or discourse completion test (DCT). It has been argued that “elicited data are valuable since they reveal the forms that natives and non-natives know, and show the range of strategies that the respondents think they would use in specific situations” (Mohammad
【摘要】初中英语课程是学生日后深入开展英语学习的基础,在初中英语课堂上,如何让学生集中精力进行英语课程的学习,是很多初中英语老师的教学难点。本文着重探讨了通过打造充满生命活力的初中英语课堂,激发学生的英语学习兴趣,以达到提高初中学生整体英语学习水平的目的。  【关键词】生命活力;初中英语;课堂教学  【作者简介】孙冬洁,宿迁市实验学校。  老子说:“天下大事必作于细,天下难事必作于易。”这句话的含
途中的老鼠洞越来越多,且连成一片,我们称之为“地雷区”,一不小心就会陷下去。最厉害的,还是踏上“连环雷”——队员最多的中了七连环。  就在大家兴致勃勃地饮酒赏月时,突然听到不远处传来一声狼嚎!圆月,荒漠,狼嚎!千真万确,真的是狼嚎!气氛一下子变得紧张起来……  三个泉是准噶尔盆地的中心,方圆200多公里都是无人区,这里野生动物出没,主要有野马、狼、黄羊、野兔和狐狸等。此外,三个泉还曾经是丝绸之路上
【摘要】在英国文学史乃至世界文学史上托马斯·哈代都占据了重要地位。一直以来,他的小说、诗歌都是国内外学术界研究的焦点。哈代既是一位伟大的人道主义小说家,更是一位伟大的人文主义诗人。该论文将选取哈代的战争诗、爱情诗、自然诗作为研究对象,揭示其作品中内在的人道主义思想。  【关键词】诗歌;生态审美;人道主义思想;情感异化  【作者简介】安璐璇(1984.1-),女,湖北武漢人,硕士,湖北医药学院人文社
【摘要】外语界许多学者围绕培养学生的思辨能力做了大量的研究,但从高校英语教师认知视角探讨如何提升思辨能力还有研究空间。本文从教师信念、教师态度、教师知识结构和课堂实践提出关注教师认知理念对学生思辨能力培养的重要性,阐述了要从加强教师专业培训、发挥教师自主性及改革测评体系这三个方面提升教师思辨教学学科知识和思辨教学能力,促进我国英语思辨性教学顺利开展。  【关键词】英语教师认知;思辨能力培养;思辨教
【摘要】思维品质是英语科目的关键素养要素之一。读后续写是高考英语改革中的一种新型书面表达方式。本文主要以思维品质为起点,结合相应的教学实例,从思维的逻辑性和批判性两个方面介绍了在读后续写教学中培养学生思想素质的策略,从而可以有效地发展学生的思维能力,并提高他们的读后续写能力。  【关键词】思维品质;读后续写;核心素养  【作者简介】金燕,江苏省常熟市梅李高级中学。  随着高中英语新课程标准的修订,
经历过当年珍珠港事件的美国老兵,目前仍健在的还有300多人,他们每年都会自发组织,在12月7日这天来到珍珠港,追忆战争岁月、缅怀牺牲战友。  透过这些窗户,亚利桑那号巨大的残骸赫然入目,一些琥珀色的液滴不断从残骸中升起,在海面破裂,幻化成片片斑斓。  1984年,夏威夷州政府破天荒同意日本人在珍珠港港口附近修建一座寺庙,供日本僧人长期住持,当然,修庙的花销是由日方承担的。  如果没有70年前日本海
【摘要】随着高中新课程改革的不断深入与发展,英语教学模式也随之不断地发展变化。以学习活动观为指向的教学活动改变了传统的课堂教学模式。本文从四个方面论述了“英语学习活动观”视角下的高中英语阅读教学。以学习活动观为指向的英语教学有助于发展和培养学生的英语学科核心素养。  【关键词】英语学习活动观;阅读教学;学科核心素养  【作者简介】魏萍,天津市第三十二中学。  一、高中英语阅读教学中存在的问题  目
初冬的11月,当国内很多地方气温陡降之际,温暖的阳光依旧照耀着西昌的山川草木。螺髻山下荞麦飘香,金黄色的玉米铺满田野,邛海边上的彝家风情小镇映衬着冬日暖阳,仍然春色无限……  就在这个时候,彝族将以最隆重的礼仪,迎来他们古老盛大的节日——彝历年(相当于汉族的春节,也有的地区彝历年的时间在农历十一月),而作为全国最大彝族聚居地——凉山彝族自治州的首府,西昌的彝历年无疑最为盛大而隆重的。在彝语中,彝历
【摘要】小学阶段是培养学生英语学习兴趣的关键阶段。在小学英语教学中,老师要综合运用多种手段,提升学生对英语的好奇心和趣味性认知。绘本阅读在小学英语教学中的应用,能够更好地拓展学生的英语阅读能力,与学生喜欢阅读故事的特点相结合,提升学生学习英语的主动性。本文主要以系列绘本Heinemann.G2为例,探究在小学英语教学中开展绘本阅读教学的措施。  【关键词】小学英语;绘本阅读;教学实践;Heinem