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“耳聋苦我数十载,隔绝尘事有经年,妙手一朝惊华佗,磨难终结是良缘”。这首诗反映了陕西富平县耳聋患者陈富财久病初愈、新婚之时的喜悦之情,也是对陕西省中医研究院附属专科医院耳鼻喉科主任赵廷龙先生精湛医术的高度赞扬。陈富财早年患中耳炎,因长期使用抗菌素导致中毒性神经性耳聋,不仅给生活带来痛苦,而且恋爱婚姻也受到影响。经病友介绍,他一路风尘仆仆赶到西安,来到位于西安市红庙坡大兴东路33号求耳鼻喉科主任赵大夫诊治。经过一个疗程的细心治疗,听力恢复了大半,又经两 “Deafness bitter I dozens of years, isolated from dust, after years, the mastermind of one scared Huazhan, end of suffering is a good margin ”. This poem reflects the delight of Chen Fu-Fu in Fuping County, Shaanxi Province, the beginning of a long illness, the joy of the wedding at the time, but also on the Shaanxi Provincial Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine Otolaryngology Director Mr. Zhao Tinglong highly praised the superb medical skills. Chen Fucai suffering from otitis media in early years, due to long-term use of antibiotics lead to toxic neurological deafness, not only bring pain to life, but also love and marriage affected. After the introduction of his patients, he rushed to Xi’an all the way dusty, came to Daxing East Road, Hongmiao Slope, 33, seeking the Director of otolaryngology diagnosis and treatment. After a course of careful treatment, hearing recovered most, and after two
一、故障现象伴音正常,图像屏慕上出现二条较粗的水平干扰线,严重时变成有声音无图像。 First, the normal phenomenon of the fault sound, the image screen appears on
所谓“谷道”是中华传统养生练习中的术语 ,指人体的肛门。“谷道常提”是指在练习过程中 ,结合意念、呼吸和身体动作所采取的提松肛门的练习。其目的是防治某些疾病 ,延年益