Experimental demonstration of transverse mode instability enhancement by a counter-pumped scheme in

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Transverse mode instability (TMI) has become the major limitation for power scaling of fiber lasers with nearly diffraction-limited beam quality. Compared with a co-pumped fiber laser, a counter-pumped fiber laser reveals TMI threshold enhancement through a semi-analytical model calculation. We demonstrated a 2 kW high-power counter-pumped all-fiberized laser without observation of TMI. Compared with the co-pumped scheme, the TMI threshold is enhanced at least 50% in counter-pumped scheme, moreover, stimulated Raman scattering and four-wave mixing are suppressed simultaneously.
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太赫兹辐射是指频率范围在0.1×1012~10×1012 Hz之间的电磁辐射, 而生物分子的链、键振动频率大于1014 Hz, 故太赫兹光子难以引起生物分子的共振吸收效应。但按Frohlich的理论, 活的生物分子系统是具有高度相干性的系统, 其运动状态具有内部协同的集体振荡效应, 该集体振动模的频率为0.02×1012~2.0×1012 Hz。因此, 太赫兹光子是能够与活的生物分子系统发生相互作用的,并产生相应的共振吸收效应。在偶极近似条件下, 可通过太赫兹光子与生物分子振子相互作用的哈密顿量, 求解相
Wave and particle are two fundamental properties of nature. The wave–particle duality has indicated that a quantum object may exhibit the behaviors of both wave and particle, depending upon the circumstances of the experiment. The major significance of wa
在激光二极管(LD)抽运固体激光器中, 激光晶体温度存在空间和时间分布, 其中空间分布在许多论文中已得到讨论, 而时变特性现有文献涉及较少, 它取决于激光器的抽运方式(连续和脉冲), 在脉冲工作状态中存在热效应时变过程。分别采用解析计算法和有限元分析软件, 对脉冲激光二极管抽运激光晶体温度场的时变特性进行计算, 分析晶体升温和降温过程影响因素。结果表明,升温过程受到抽运及散热条件的影响, 但主要受抽运条件(抽运光强度和光束半径)影响; 降温过程受晶体半径、热物性参数及散热条件的影响。在脉冲激光二极管抽运条
整个光纤传输线路可能被一种似乎新的导波现象所破坏。这种现象一旦发生,它也可能毫无妨碍地向光源传播,在光纤中造成不同于普通激光破坏的结果。这种效应可能在较低光功率水平下发生,在石英光纤中平均功率约1 W(10 MW/cm2)。