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(1)我国沿海向以长江口为界,向南称为南洋,朝北称为北洋。南洋沿海多岛屿礁石,水深浪大,需用吃水深的闽浙鸟船、蛋船航行。北洋沿海多沙碛,水浅底软,需用吃水浅、船底平阔的江南沙船航行。如走南洋,稍一不慎即有触礁危险。而鸟船、蛋船如航北洋,容易搁浅,船身立即折断。所以南船不北航,北船不南行,均须在上海转运。以后轮船代替帆船之后,一则因船舶吨位大,吃水深开不进小河小港;二则船主担心无回程货,造成船舶放空,所以仍愿在上海中转。上海的吞吐量中有将近50%要转运至江、浙各地、长江流域等处。这一情况至今没有什么变化。 (1) China’s coastal area is dominated by the Yangtze Estuary, southward to the south and northward to the north. Nanyang coastal multi-island reefs, deep waters, the need to eat deep Fujian and Zhejiang birds, egg boat sailing. Northern coastal moraine, shallow water at the end of the soft, the need to eat shallow, flat bottom of the river sands sailing. If you go Nanyang, a little carelessness that is dangerous to touch the reef. The birds, such as shipping egg boat north, easy to stranded, hull immediately broken. Therefore, the southern vessel does not have a northern route and the northern one does not have a southbound route, so it must be transhipped in Shanghai. After the ship instead of a sailing ship, one due to the large tonnage of the ship, draft deep into small small port; two shipowners fear no return shipment, resulting in the ship emptying, it is still willing to transit in Shanghai. Nearly 50% of Shanghai’s throughput needs to be transshipped to places such as Jiangsu, Zhejiang and the Yangtze River. This situation has not changed so far.
“我目前还没有形成固定的主持风格,清新、自然、亲切,是我结合节目特点与我自身的性格特征做的定位。”赵琳如是说。 7月29日,在哈尔滨东北虎皮草行见到赵琳时,根本没想到
“It’s like tracing porcelain back to it sorigin,”said Chris Dagradi at the Jingdezhen International Ceramics Fair held on October18-22,the largest event of i
1998年6月29日,当日出版的美国《商业周刊》(Business Week)评选出50位“亚洲之星”。他们均为成就瞩目的政治家、管理家、企业家、金融家和观点敏锐者,中国大陆的朱镕基总
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