Effect of Stoichiometry on Properties of Rare-Earth-Based Hydrogen Storage Alloy for Nickel-Metal Hy

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lingotest
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Effect of stoichiometry on microstructures, electrochemical properties and PCT characteristics of the alloys MI(Ni0.71Co0.15-Al0.06Mn0.08)x (MI=Lanthanum-rich Michmetal, x=4.6~5.2) have been investigated. The lattice constants a, c, and cellvolumes of non-stoichiometric alloys are bigger than those of the stoichiometric alloy. With the increasing stoichiometry x,the value of a decreases, and the value of c and cell volume increases except for those of the stoichiometric alloy; the plateaupressure of PCT curve, discharge capacity and cycling stability all increase. The alloy with x=5.2 shows the highest dischargecapacity and the best cycling stability among the studied alloys. Effect of stoichiometry on microstructures, electrochemical properties and PCT characteristics of the alloys MI (Ni0.71Co0.15-Al0.06Mn0.08) x (MI = Lanthanum-rich Michmetal, x = 4.6-5.2) have been investigated. The lattice constants a, c, and cell volumes of non-stoichiometric alloys are bigger than those of the stoichiometric alloys. With the increasing stoichiometry x, the value of a decrease, and the value of c and cell volume increases except for those of the stoichiometric alloy; the The plateau pressure of PCT curve, discharge capacity and cycling stability all increase. The alloy with x = 5.2 shows the highest discharge capacity and the best cycling stability among the studied alloys.
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