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河北省武安市固义村元宵节期间演出的大型社火傩戏《捉黄鬼》,以队戏捉黄鬼为主,同时还有请神、祭神、送神、镇宅等仪式,以及队戏(包括脸戏,即面具戏)、赛戏、花车、旱船、狮子舞、龙舞、竹马、武术等。在整个《捉黄鬼》演出中,有一个特殊的角色,固义村民称其为“长竹”(笔者认为“长”应为“掌”),他当是宋代乐舞引舞人和宋金杂剧引戏人“竹竿子”在当今的遗存。他不是巫师,也不由巫师扮演,而是由村民扮演。他不是剧中的角色,而是每出脸戏开场词和全部或大部分唱 During the Lantern Festival at the Village of Guanyi in Wu'an City, Hebei Province, a large-scale social drama called “The Yellow Cat” was played out to capture the yellow and the yellow ghosts while rituals such as inviting gods, offering sacrifices to gods, sending gods and town houses, Drama (including face play, mask show), game, floats, dry boat, lion dance, dragon dance, bamboo horse, martial arts and so on. There is a special role in the whole “Dreamcatcher” performance. The villagers in Guyi County call it “Changzhu” (I think “long” should be “palm”) and he should be a dancer in the Song Dynasty The dancer and the Song Dynasty miscellaneous plays lead singer “bamboo pole ” in today's remains. He is not a sorcerer, nor a sorcerer, but a villager. He is not a role in the play, but every opening speech and all or most singing
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【正】 The quotation price of vitamin C fromChina’s major producers had dropped toUS$5/kg by the end of July 2010, falling50% compared to the first quarter.Som