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老李患了急性阑尾炎,儿子李晓钢把他送进医院治疗。经过手术,老李的病情总算稳定下来,但还需要住院观察。李晓钢是一家公司的业务员,老爸刚住院时他请了几天假,陪床护理,如今老爸病情好转,他也得回单位上班了。这天老李吃过晚饭,在病房里待得太无聊,便信步走到医院门口,看着来往的行人出神。时值深秋,老李待了一会儿便觉得有点冷,他正想回病房,忽然发现医院大门口蹲着一个人,再细一看,那人竟是同事老郭。老郭退休后就回了乡下的老家,离这有好几百里远,他怎么 Lee suffering from acute appendicitis, his son Li Xiaogang sent him to the hospital for treatment. After surgery, the condition of Lao Li finally stabilized, but also need to be hospitalized. Li Xiaogang is the salesman of a company. When he was hospitalized, Dad took a few days off and took care of his bed. Now that his father is getting better, he has to go back to work. Old Li had dinner that day, staying in the ward too boring, they walked to the hospital door, watching the pedestrians. When the late autumn, Lao Li felt a little cold for a while, he was looking back to the ward, suddenly found a hospital staff squatting a person, and then look closely, that person was actually a colleague Lao Guo. Lao Guo returned to the countryside after retirement home, hundreds of miles away from here, how he
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