Higher platelet P-selectin in male patients with inflammatory bowel disease compared to healthy male

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jerrymao
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AIM:To observe if the total amount of platelet P-selectin(tP-selectin)in patients with inflammatory bowel disease(IBD)was related to disease entity or activity,5-ami-nosalicylic acid(5-ASA)medication or gender.METHODS:tP-selectin was measured by immunoassayin seventeen IBD patients and twelve healthy controls.RESULTS:Compared to controls,there was no differ-ence of tP-selectin in patients related to disease entityor activity and 5-ASA medication.When the groups weresplit according to gender the male patient group showedhigher levels of tP-selectin compared to male controls(153 ng/mL vs 94 ng/mL,P<0.05).CONCLUSION:Increased tP-selectin levels may alterthe inflammatory response and susceptibility to throm-boembolic disease.As previously shown with solubleP-selectin,tP-selectin shows gender dependent differ-ences important to consider in future studies. AIM: To observe the total amount of platelet P-selectin (tP-selectin) in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) was related to disease entity or activity, 5-ami-nosalicylic acid (5-ASA) medication or gender. METHODS: tP-selectin was measured by immunoassay in seventeen IBD patients and twelve healthy controls. RESULTS: Compared to controls, there was no differ-ence of tP-selectin in patients related to disease entity activity activity and 5-ASA medication. Whose the groups weresplit according to gender the male patient group showed hgher levels of tP-selectin compared to male controls (153 ng / mL vs 94 ng / mL, P <0.05) .CONCLUSION: Increased tP-selectin levels may alterthe inflammatory response and susceptibility to thromboembolic disease. As previously shown solubleP-selectin, tP-selectin shows gender dependent differ-ences important to consider in future studies.
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2月20日 阴   我的记忆中,有许许多多的快乐时光,但那一段焦虑紧张的时光却紧紧扣在我的脑中,久久忘不了。   我的爷爷非常喜欢吸烟,每天至少要一包烟,常常会不停地咳嗽,以至满脸通红,就像下一秒会昏过去的感觉。每每见到这个场景,我心里都会十分担心。每天爷爷几乎都在奶奶的责骂声中度过,可爷爷还是“不知悔改”。终于,在不久之后,他生病了。那一段时光是最难熬的。   爷爷本来在我们家乡治病,可是由于这
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