陽春三月,和風撲面〔荼M情舒展它的綠意,花兒盡情绽放它的笑臉,鳥兒盡情亮開它的歌喉。我們的新課改猶如這和煦的春風,唤醒了沉睡心靈,開啓了幽閉的心智, 打破了陳舊的觀念,放飛了囚禁的情懷。在我心靈深處有一張永遠燦爛的笑容。那是兩年前的一個課外活動,孩子們在外面玩耍,我在教室裏批改作業。忽然,一個孩子跑過來:“老師,老師,快保護我!”隨後一雙小手緊緊抓住我的肩膀。“小心……”話還没說完,桌上一瓶紅墨水已潑濺開來,有
Spring March, breeze blowing 〔M M stretch to stretch its green, flowers enjoy its bloom smile, the birds enjoy the bright open its voice. Our new curriculum reform is like a warm spring breeze, awakening the sleeping soul, opening the claustrophobic mind, breaking the old ideas and letting go of the imprisonment. There is always a bright smile in my heart. It was an extracurricular activity two years ago, children were playing outside and I edited assignments in the classroom. Suddenly, a child came running: “Teacher, teacher, protect me!” Then a pair of little hands clutched my shoulder. “Caution ... ” words have not finished, a bottle of red ink on the table has splashed, there