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在名著《三国演义》中,作者对关羽的描述极具男儿气概:身长九尺,髯长二尺;面如重枣,唇若涂脂;丹凤眼,卧蚕眉。在第25回写到曹操宴请关羽时,席间问他:“云长髯有数乎?”公曰:“约数百根。每秋月约退三五根,冬月多以皂纱囊裹之,恐其断也。”曹操听后,便为关公做一纱锦囊,让其护髯。古人所说的“髯”,即我们常说的胡须。胡须是男子汉特有的标志。男孩在十四五岁时,上唇即开始长出细而软的茸毛,到了青春发 In the famous “Romance of the Three Kingdoms,” the author describes Guan Yu very masculine: nine feet long, two feet long;; face as heavy jujube, lip liposuction; Dan Fengyan, lying silkworm eyebrows. In the 25th back to the Cao Cao banquet please Guan Yu, during the banquet asked him: “There are a few clouds long?” Male said: “about hundreds .About every month about thirty-five back, winter month wrapped in soap gauze mostly , Fear of its off too. ”After listening to Cao Cao, Guan Gong made a gauze kit, let it Nursing. What the ancients called “髯,” which we often say, mustaches. Beard is a man’s unique sign. When the boy was fourteen years old, his upper lip began to grow thin and soft hair, to youthful hair
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