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柯尔克孜族是我国古老的民族之一。它有着灿烂、悠久的历史文化。在我国的史书上,它曾被称作“坚昆”、“黠(?)斯”、“吉利吉斯”、“布魯特”等。柯尔克孜族分布在我国新疆境內的克孜勒苏柯族自治州及北疆特克斯、昭苏等县,共有七万多人,是信仰伊斯兰教的民族。柯族人民主要从事畜牧业,也有兼营农业的,柯族人民有自己的語言,属于阿尔泰語系突蹶語族东匃語支,解放前没有文字。从去年开始采用了新文字,并用这种文字出刊了“克孜勒苏”报。柯尔克孜族人民在解放前生活很苦,解放后在党的亲切关怀下,和我国各族人民一样,柯族人民在政治、經济、文化等方面都获得了巨大的发展,过着幸福美好的生活。 The Kirgiz people are one of the ancient peoples of our country. It has a brilliant, long history and culture. In our history books, it has been called “Jiankun”, “黠 (?) Sri Lanka”, “吉利吉斯”, “布鲁特” and so on. The Kirgiz people are located in the areas of Kizilsu Autonomous Prefecture and Turks, Zhaos and other counties in the territory of Xinjiang in our country. They have a total population of more than 70,000 and are ethnic Islamists. Kohe people mainly engaged in animal husbandry, but also engaged in agriculture, Ko people have their own language, belonging to the Altaic language clan clan Dongjian language branch, there is no text before the liberation. New texts have been introduced since last year and the Kizilsu newspaper has been published in this language. Like the people of all ethnic groups in our country, the people of Kirghiz suffered great hardships before the liberation. After the liberation, with the gracious care of the party, the people of Kozhikistan have made tremendous development in politics, economy and culture, leading a happy and beautiful life .
本文着重介绍LCD字符(16位1行点阵)模块设计、功能及制造. This article focuses on LCD character (16 bit 1 line lattice) module design, function and manufacturing.
本文探讨了慢性呼吸道疾病的概念以及在新型冠状病毒肺炎(corona virus disease 2019)疫情期间呼吸系统慢性疾病管理存在的问题,及后疫情时代呼吸系统慢性疾病管理的思考,以
目的 探讨国家组织药品集中采购在医院实行的效果.方法 在医院药事管理与药物治疗学委员会下成立“集中采购药品专项工作组”,制定“我院落实采购和使用国家集中采购药品工作
1卫生技术评估的新定义卫生技术包含药品、医疗器械、疫苗、医疗程序和卫生系统等多种形式.卫生技术评估(health technology assessment, HTA)的目的是应用知识和技能,解决健