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真相与和解委员会是解决历史纠纷、推动社会转型的新模式。在此之前,一个经历了社会动荡和暴力冲突的社会在转型的时候,往往采取纽伦堡模式,即对被推翻政权的成员实施刑事审判,或采取一揽子大赦的做法,这两种方式有不少的弊端。南非在社会转型时采取了真相与和解委员会这种机制。真相与和解委员会机制克服了前两种方式的弊端,它作为第三条道路,采取“以真相换赦免,以赦免换和平”的方式解决历史问题,它能够缓和社会矛盾,威慑潜在的犯罪者,推动民主,最终促进社会和解。真相与和解委员会机制在南非的社会转型过程中起到了非常重要的作用,它为解决社会冲突探索出了一条新的路径。不过,真相与和解委员会机制作为新生事物还不成熟,它需要不断的完善。 The Truth and Reconciliation Commission is a new model for resolving historical disputes and for promoting social transformation. Prior to that, a society experiencing social unrest and violence often adopted the Nuremberg model in its transition, ie criminalizing members of the overthrown regime or adopting a blanket amnesty package, many of which Disadvantages. South Africa adopted the mechanism of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in the social transformation. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission mechanism has overcome the shortcomings of the first two approaches. As a third way, it takes the solution of “pardon the truth for pardon and pardon for peace.” It can ease social conflicts and deter potential Perpetrators, promoting democracy, and ultimately promoting social reconciliation. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission mechanism has played a very important role in South Africa’s social transformation and has explored a new path to resolving social conflicts. However, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission mechanism is immature as a newcomer and needs continuous improvement.
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