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中国人历来崇尚字画,将好的字画奉为艺术品欣赏并收藏。然而现在,进入寻常百姓家的许多字画,艺术含量基本为零,只能污染眼目毒害灵魂。如今在众多商业性的“艺术博览会”上,有现场作字的,有现场作画的。好字好画要价自然高些,嫌贵的买家问问价就走开了,于是有人就钻这个空子,低价兜售自己的垃圾画、狗爬字。老百姓有几个真懂字画的?大都图便宜往家里买这些人制造的“纸质垃圾”。有个卖狗爬字的“书家”对笔者说:“赵本山一张字卖了98万元,倪萍一张画卖了108万元,比起这些大明星的字画来,俺在博览会上卖张字只收百八十元,没乱要价吧?” Chinese people always advocate calligraphy and painting, calligraphy and painting as a good art appreciation and collection. However, nowadays, many of the calligraphies and paintings that enter the homes of ordinary people have almost no artistic content and can only pollute the eyes and poison the soul. Today there are many commercial “Art Fair ”, there are words for the scene, there are live painting. Good word good painting asking price natural higher, too expensive ask asking price to go away, so someone drilling this loophole, low price to sell their junk painting, dog crawling words. How many ordinary people know calligraphy and painting? Mostly cheaper to buy these people at home to create “paper garbage ”. There is a dog to crawl the word “Booker ” said to the author: "Zhao Benshan a sold 980000 yuan, Ni Ping a painting sold 1.08 million yuan, compared to these big celebrity calligraphy, I was Expo to sell only receive one hundred and eighty thousand words, no chaos asking price?
Aims and Scope Chinese Science Bulletin (semimonthly) is a comprehensive academic journal of natural sciences sponsored bythe Chinese Academy of Sciences. The
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