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桃小食心虫地面防治的关键时期有两个:一是越冬幼虫出土期,二是老熟幼虫脱果期。以往,多在这两个时期,于树冠下的地面上,撒施3%或6%六六六粉防治。因为六六六粉在土壤中残留时间长,残留量高,所以,现在改用高效、低毒、低残留新农药来代替。据烟台果树实验站试验,应用1比30的75%辛硫磷毒土,亩撒30~60斤时,药杀越冬出土幼虫的效果很好,可以代替六六六,用于地面防治。也可将50%辛硫磷乳剂稀释成200倍液,在越冬幼虫出土初期和出土盛期,各向地面喷洒1次,每亩、每次用药1斤,药杀出土幼虫的效果,比每亩撒施13斤3%六六六粉提高2~4倍。另外,在桃小食心虫越冬幼虫出土前,每亩喷洒50%地亚农乳剂1.2~1.8斤,也能百分之百地杀死茧内的越冬幼虫,高于每亩撒施13斤%六六六粉的杀虫效果。 Peach mungbean ground prevention and control of the critical period there are two: First, overwintering larvae unearthed, and second, mature larvae off period. In the past, more in these two periods, the ground under the crown, spreading 3% or 6% six six six powder prevention and control. Because six six six powder in the soil residues for a long time, the high residue, so now switch to high efficiency, low toxicity, low residue of new pesticides to be replaced. According to the test of Yantai Fruit Tree Experiment Station, the application of 75% phoxim to 1% 30 and the dosage of 30 to 60 kg per acre for killing the larvae unearthed in the winter is very good. It can replace the 666 for the prevention and control of the ground. 50% phoxim emulsion can also be diluted into 200 times the liquid in the early and unearthed overwintering larvae peak, each sprayed to the ground 1 acre, each medication 1 kg, the effect of killing larvae unearthed than each Acres spreading 13 pounds 3% six six six powder increased 2 to 4 times. In addition, before the peach moth overwintering larvae were excavated, sprayed 50% of the area subsoil emulsion 1.2 to 1.8 kg per acre, but also one hundred percent to kill overwintering larvae within the cocoon, higher than 13 kg per acre sprinkle six six six powder Insecticidal effect.
摘 要 随着全球化进程的不断推进,教育国际化的脚步也悄然到来,对我国各个阶段的学校教育起到了不小的冲击作用,在这种情况下,中小学的校外的辅导教育如雨后春笋般冒出,首先,传统课堂的补习班仍旧存在,其次,一些相关补习班也层出不穷,本文对相关问题进行了探讨。  【关键词】教育国际化;校外辅导;影响  改革开放以来,世界上更多的国家了解了中国,也让中国人了解了世界,近年来,随着教育国际化的不断推进,我国学
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