1 茬口选择及隔离距离前茬宜选粮食作物 ,要求做到 2~ 3a不重茬 ,隔离距离 2 0 0 0 m左右。2 培育壮苗2 .1 苗床准备选择近年内没有种过花椰菜和其它十字花科蔬菜的肥沃地块作苗床 ,并于土壤封冻前整好阳畦 ,浇足冬水。2 .2 提前育苗河西地区冬季严寒 ,春季温度回升慢。为
1 stubble selection and isolation distance should choose the first crop of food crops, requiring 2 ~ 3a non-cropping, isolation distance of about 2000 meters. 2 Nurturing strong seedlings 2.1 Seedling preparation options In recent years, no fertile plots of broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables have been planted as seedbed, and the soil has been sun-shielded before freezing, with enough winter water. 2 .2 early nursery Hexi area winter cold, spring temperature rise slowly. for