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科学技术革命是科技进步的飞跃和发展,并引起社会生产力的物质基础发生根本质变,推进人类的经济发展和社会发展,更为有效地提高人们的社会生活质量,促进人类文明的进展。进入本世纪八十年代以来,随着计算机技术等高新技术的飞速发展,其中的计算机集成制造系统(Computer Integrated Manafacturing System简称CIMS)技术作为当今先进制造技术,将成为未来制造业的主要生产模式。由于制造业是国民经济的主要支柱产业,因而在技术和管理引起重大变革。 一、CIMS概况 计算机集成制造(CIM)是在自动化技术、管理技术、现代制造技术和计算机技术的基础上,在辩证系统思想的指导下,对制造企业从定货、生产技术准备、生产计划管理、制造、质量管理直到装箱发运和用户服务整个生产经营过程中的活动、信息和资源(人、财、物)进行统一控制、管理,从总体上优化生产的新模式。 这种模式的产生并非偶然。常规的生产实际表明,一个零件在整个生产过程中占用的机器时间仅占5%,即使占 The revolution in science and technology is a leap and development in the advancement of science and technology. It has also caused fundamental changes in the material basis of social productivity, promoted human economic development and social development, more effectively improved the quality of people’s social life, and promoted the progress of human civilization. Since the 1980s, with the rapid development of computer technology and other high technologies, the computer integrated manufacturing system (CIMS) technology, as the current advanced manufacturing technology, will become the main production mode of the future manufacturing industry. As manufacturing is the main pillar industry of the national economy, it has caused major changes in technology and management. I. CIMS Overview Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) is based on automation technology, management technology, modern manufacturing technology and computer technology. Under the guidance of the dialectical system, manufacturing companies from the order, production technology preparation, production planning management, Manufacturing, quality management, unified control and management of activities, information, and resources (people, finance, and material) throughout the production and operation processes of containerization, shipping, and customer service, and overall optimization of the new production model. This model was not accidental. The conventional production actually shows that only one machine occupies only 5% of the machine time in the entire production process, even if
Ⅰ. Current Situation At present, there are more than 100 piston and/or piston ring manufacturers all over China, and the figure is continuously rising. Among
一家全球性的电子消费产品产销商即将诞生——韩国LG电子有限公司(前身为金星社株式会社GoldStar Co Ltd.)与美国著名家电公司Zenith近日联合宣布:LG电子与同其合作20载的Ze
【欧洲核学会《核新闻网》1995年7月11日报道】 日本专家提议,出于环境和经济原因,今后35年内日本的核装机容量应翻番至约100000MW。 日本能源经济研究所发表了一份报告,该
印尼的著名苏打水厂商PTAlfindo Putra Setia预定在中部爪哇三宝垄和巴厘建新厂。该公司在这个行业仅次于PTAqua Gilden Missisippi居第2位。占有20%的市场,产量年均增长44%。