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继续加快和深化外贸体制改 革,力争在“九五”末期建立起既具有中国特色、又与国际贸易惯例所规范的外贸体制接轨的自由贸易制度,将成为未来5年期间我国改革开放进程中的首要目标之一。逐步放开外贸经营权,实现外贸经营由现行的审批制向依法登记制的过渡,是深化外贸体制改革的一项重要内容。而且,随着我国社会主义市场经济制度的逐步确立,企业经营机制的市场化程度不断提高,以及我国参加世界多边贸易体系与积极发展多边贸易关系的客观要求愈益迫切,放开外贸经营权的问题业已提上议事日程。 We will continue to accelerate and deepen the reform of the foreign trade system, and strive to establish a free trade system with Chinese characteristics and a foreign trade system regulated by international trade practices at the end of the Ninth Five-Year Plan period. This will be the process of China’s reform and opening up during the next five years. One of the primary goals. Gradually liberalizing the right to operate foreign trade and realizing the transition from the current examination and approval system to the legal registration system for foreign trade operations is an important part of deepening the reform of the foreign trade system. Moreover, with the gradual establishment of the socialist market economic system in China, the degree of marketization of the operating mechanism of enterprises has been continuously improved, and the objective requirements for China’s participation in the world’s multilateral trade system and active development of multilateral trade relations have become increasingly urgent, and the issue of opening up the right to operate foreign trade has become an issue. It has already been put on the agenda.
《生活的艺术》(The Importance of Living)是林语堂旅美后的第一部书,该书于1937年在美出版,再版40余次。林语堂在该书中向西方人生动演绎了中国人的生活 The Importance o
摘要:外语人才规格的变化对大学英语教育提出了新的要求与挑战。与此同时,现代信息教育技术的发展为公共英语教学的发展提供了契机,其发展方向应以提高学生英语综合应用能力为理念,实施以学生为中心的教学模式。  关键词:公共英语 教学 发展    21世纪是一個国际化、信息化的时代,国内外经济和社会发展将以更快的速度向前推进。而英语,作为对外开放和搞活经济的重要工具,在21世纪将起着特殊而重要的作用。所以,