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总的思路: 以江泽民总书记“三个代表”重要思想为指导,全面贯彻落实党的十五届六中全会、中央、省委经济工作会议和全国劳动和社会保障工作会议精神,按照巩固成果,完善体系,促进就业,强化管理,提高水平的工作思路,继续巩固两个确保成果,大力促进就业和再就业,加快完善社会保障体系,切实关心困难群体工作生活,全力维护改革发展稳定大局,全面推进劳动保障事业的新发展,以优异成绩迎接党的第十六次全国代表大会和省第八次党代会的胜利召开。 The general idea: With the guidance of General Secretary Jiang Zemin and the important thinking of the ’Three Represents,’ we should comprehensively implement the spirit of the 6th Plenary Session of the 15th CPC Central Committee, the economic work conference of the central and provincial governments and the national labor and social security conference, Consolidate the achievements, improve the system, promote employment, strengthen management and raise the level of work, continue to consolidate the two to ensure the results, vigorously promote employment and reemployment, accelerate the improvement of the social security system, earnestly care for the working and living conditions of the disadvantaged groups, and fully safeguard the reform and development and stability Overall situation and comprehensively promote the new development of the labor and social security undertaking. With the outstanding achievements, we will welcome the victory of the 16th CPC National Congress and the 8th Party Congress of the province.
衡阳市江东区消防股认真贯彻落实总队工作会议精神,努力加大消防执法力度,严格监督管理和火灾事故处理。现将他们在执法检查中的二三事刊登,供各地消防监督部门借鉴。 Hengy
 观察采用涤纶心脏补片包裹羟基磷灰石(HA)义眼座置入的效果。方法 对已行眼球摘除的患者根据肌肉收缩点寻找直肌并制做4条直肌瓣,然后行HA义眼座眶内置入术。结果 本组共13例,11例一期
以“年轻、前卫、艺术”为旗帜的“实验剧展” ,自一九八○年开始 ,至一九八四年为止 ,一共举办了五届 ,不仅带动了尔后非学生社团的“社会性剧团”的产生 ,更使得小型剧场的
对于区域经济差距的重要性,主要有两种观点,一种观点是“百害而无一利”。另一观点是绝非“百害而无一利”。 There are mainly two kinds of views on the importance of t
An application of contra-rotating rotors has been proposed against a demand for developing higher specific speed axial flow pump. The blade rows interaction bet