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  一、 根据同义关系猜测词义
  But what is sound? Sound happens when something vibrates or shakes. We can make something vibrate by hitting it.
  解析: vibrate后面有or, 表明它与shake是同义关系,而shake的词义为“摇动,震动,抖动,颤动”,那么vibrate的意思也就一目了然了。
  根据同义关系猜测词义,关键是要了解显示同义关系的线索。一般说来,破折号、顿号、逗号等标点符号,以及or, and, namely, in other words, that􀆳s to say等词或短语就是这种线索。
  二、 根据同等关系猜测词义
  (2006武汉市) “Let􀆳s go to the animal shelter. Many pets there need homes. Since tomorrow is Saturday, we can both go,” she said. The next morning the Browns met Mr Snow at the animal shelter. “We want to be sure that the pets here go to good homes,” Mr Snow said. “So I need to ask you some questions.”
  解析: shelter与home构成同等关系。据此我们可推断, shelter的意思为“住所,栖息处,庇护处”。
  三、 根据同位关系猜测词义
  (2007哈尔滨市) An explosion in 1996 made a cloud of 300,000 fragments, each at least 4 mm in size, and even a small piece of these knocked against a spaceship window and did some damage.
  解析: fragments的意思可以通过其同位语each at least 4 mm in size(每块最起码有四毫米大小)猜测出来。据此我们可以猜出它的意思为“碎片,碎块”。
  四、 根据反义关系猜测词义
  ① (2006扬州市) First of all, they sound very different. Often, Americans don􀆳t say each word separately. But they say several words together. Americans may say “I dunno”instead of “I don􀆳t know”. Or they may say “Whaddya say?” instead of “What did you say?”. However, the British are more careful in their speech. They usually say all the words and keep them separate.
  解析: separately的词义可以通过表示转折关系的连词but和下文say several words together推断出来,即“分离地,单个地”。
  常见的表示转折关系的词有however, but, instead, yet等。
  五、 根据对照关系猜测词义
  (2007泰州市) 75 percent of the tickets are for domestic sale and the rest for sale outside the Chinese mainland. There will not be different prices for the Chinese and foreigners.
  解析:句中的and the rest与前面的75 percent of the tickets形成相应的对照关系。 outside the Chinese mainland与domestic形成相应的对照关系,由此我们可猜出domestic意为“国内的”。
  六、 根据前缀(词)猜测词义
  (2007哈尔滨市) To get a thorough understanding of yourself needs self⁃appreciation.
  self是“自己,自身”的意思, appreciation意为“欣赏”。据此我们可推断出self⁃appreciation的意思为“自我欣赏”。
  七、 根据后缀(词)猜测词义
  ① (2006黄冈市) When the boy finished, his father was speechless.
  ② (2006泰州市) On a Friday night, a poor young violinist was playing his violin at the entrance of the subway station. The music was so great that people slowed down to listen and put some money into his hat.
  解析: violin是“小提琴”的意思, ⁃ist是表示“受雇做某事的人或弹奏某种乐器的人”,由此我们可推断出violinist的意思是“小提琴手”。
  八、 根据复合词猜测词义
  (2005连云港市) Though the Russians thought firmly that their country will take the side of the USA, though the meeting between Bush and Russian Putin ended with handshakes and smiles, someone still spoke out: The honeymoon stops here.
  解析: honey意为“蜂蜜”, moon意为“月亮”,两者合在一起就是“蜜月”的意思。
  九、 根据派生词猜测词义
  ① (2005宿迁市) And in some cities people sometimes ask a song to be broascast for his or her mother only. This might cost a little money for some of them, but as it is said, “Mother is invaluable.”
  解析: value意为“价值”, valuable意为“有价值的”, “in⁃”是前缀,意为“没有”。因而“invaluable”则意为“无价的”。
  ② (2007山西省) Why do we need to throw less away? There are two reasons. One is that some resouces are nonrenewable. That means there is only a certain amount of that resource in the world.
  解析: new意为“新的”, “re⁃”意为“又,再”的意思, “renew”即意为“翻新,更新”。 “⁃able”是形容词后缀, renewable意为“可翻新的, 可更新的”,前缀“non⁃”意为“不,无,没有”,所以nonrenewable意为“不可再生的”。
  十、 根据转化词猜测词义
  (2004宿迁市) When you have at last finished your exam, check your answers. Correct the mistakes if there are any and be sure that you have not missed anything out.
  解析:我们可以根据单词在句中充当的成分来确定其意思。 correct用作形容词时,意为“正确的”,但在此处correet用作动词,我们可推断出它的意思是“使……正确,修改”。
  十一、 根据标点符号猜测词义
  ① (2006南京市) However, at first only plain chocolate(a kind of chocolate without milk and with very little sugar) was produced. Milk chocolate came later and this was made in Cadbury􀆳s factory in 1897.
  解析:圆括号中的部分通常是插入语,用以补充说明其前词语的内容。如果我们不知道plain chocolate是什么意思,就可根据圆括号中的词语推断出,plain chocolate是“原味巧克力”的意思。
  ② (2005苏州市) But what happens when teenagers (persons between 13 and 19 years old) start driving on their own?Many are careful drivers and never have a problem.
  解析:从圆括号中的解释我们可知, teenager是指13-19的人。
  十二、 根据常识猜测词义
  ① (2006杭州市) When you look into a mirror, you don􀆳t see your face as other people see it. You see a reversed picture. If you close your left eyes, your picture closes its right eyes.
  ② (2006常州市,镇江市) He took out of a bottle of water and poured it into the cup. He asked, “Is it full?” His son didn􀆳t answer and looked at his old father in surprise. Then the father took a chopstick and inserted it into the mixture in the cup. Later he took out all the mixture with the chopstick.
  解析:文章写了一位父亲通过往杯子里一次次添加不同的东西来告诉他的儿子做任何事都要力求完美,事业才会成功。从上文的a chopstick和下文的into the mixture我们可知,这位父亲是把筷子插入了混合物当中。因而可以推断出insert应当是“插入”的意思。
  十三、 根据因果关系猜测词义
  “His horse fell, and his ankle is sprained,” said Kate, “John has gone to hospital.”
  解析:在对话中, Kate说“John的马倒下了”,而且“John已去了医院”。据此我们可推测出“John的脚踝受伤了”, sprained的意思应为“扭伤”。
  十四、 根据所下定义猜测词义
  (2007长春市) We often think about why money disappeared so quickly. That may be because we didn􀆳t have a good budget. A budget is a plan to control where your money goes.
  (2006临汾市) Besides the examples above, patriotism is the one we should never forget. Patriotism means a love for one􀆳s country.It is one of the highest qualities of human􀆳s. Everybody should love his country.
  解析:从定义“一种对国家的爱”我们可以推断出, patriotism的意思是“爱国主义,爱国心”。
  用定义来猜测词义时,关键在于确定写作者借以下定义的信号词,从而据此来判断前后语段之间的关系是定义与被定义之间的关系,进而通过定义项推断被定义项。在英语中,常常被用来标示定义关系的信号词有that is,mean,is called等。
  十五、 根据示例猜测词义
  ① (2006连云港市) Foreign visitors are often puzzled in Japan because most streets there don􀆳t have names. In Japan, people use landmarks instead of street names. For example, the Japanese will say to travelers, “Go straight down to the corner. Turn left at the big hotel and go past a fruit market. The post office is just across the bus stop.”
  解析:文中for example给读者提示,它后面的部分是作者用以解释landmarks的。同时landmarks后面的instead of street names也是一个反向的暗示。从所给例子可以看出,给人们指路不是靠街道名称而是靠街道边的标志性建筑。因而我们可以推知landmark的意思为“明显的目标”。
  ② (2006哈尔滨市) Nowadays more and more people care about the exploitation(开采) of the natural resources, such as oil.
  解析:从句中的中文夹注“开采”及后面的示例词such as, 我们可以猜测resource意为“资源”。
  运用例子来猜测词义,关键是要熟悉人们举例时常用的词或词组。常见的有for example, such as, like, especially等。
  十六、 根据语境猜测词义
  I came to your shop to buy a ring. The sales assistant took out some rings for me to look at, but she was called away for a moment, and I put one of the rings in my pocket. When she came back, I said I didn􀆳t know the size of my girlfriend􀆳s finger. So I left the shop without paying for the ring.
  解析:文章告诉我们,作者要买东西送给女朋友,但不知道女朋友手指的大小,由此我们不难知道, ring意为“戒指”。
  十七、 根据定语从句猜测词义
  ① (2006云南省课改实验区) The Sony Reader is also expected to have a function that makes you play MP3 music while you are reading.
  解析:从定语从句that makes you play MP3 music while you are reading, 我们可以推知function的意思为“功能”。
  ② (2007南通市) Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao has visited the “left⁃behind” children whose parents are working in cities before Children􀆳s Day.
  解析:从定语从句whose parents are working in cities, 我们可以猜测“left⁃behind” children的意思为“留守”儿童。
目的探讨职业性急性有机氟中毒的防治。方法回顾性分析江西省职业病防治研究院2017年1月-2017年6月期间收治的10例职业性急性有机氟中毒患者的临床资料。结果 (1)所有中毒患者