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我场通过引进、筛选并经系统选育而成的876—3—6大豆良种,经1990—1992年麦后直播高产栽培试验,单产都突破了300公斤。其高产综合配套技术研究,也于1992年9月通过了由中国农科院及省内同行专家组成的鉴定委员会的技术鉴定。 一、特征特性:该品种株型紧凑,茎秆粗壮,根系发达,抗病、抗倒伏。株高100—150厘米,主茎18—25节,叶为披针形,中上部叶柄着生3—7片小叶,色浓绿,有效分枝3—5个,12—20层荚,每层成荚4个左右。3粒荚占总荚数的39.1%,4粒荚占46.8%,5粒荚占1.5%,偶有6粒荚,荚熟为棕色,不炸荚。粒圆,黄色,脐黑有光泽,百粒重20克。亚有限结荚习性,春播生育期110—120天,夏播90天,既能麦后直播,又可与其它作物间套。适应性广, My field through the introduction, screening and breeding of the system by the system of 876-3-6 soybean seed, after the 1990-1992 wheat after direct seeding high-yielding cultivation trials, each exceeded 300 kg. Its high-yield comprehensive supporting technology research, but also in September 1992 adopted by the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and provincial experts in the appraisal committee composed of technical appraisal. First, the characteristics and characteristics: The varieties plant compact, stalks, roots developed, disease resistance, lodging. Plant height of 100-150 cm, 18-25 main stems, leaves lanceolate, upper petiole 3-7 leaflets, color dark green, effective branches 3-5, 12-20 pods, each Layer pods around 4. 3 pods accounted for 39.1% of the total pods, 4 pods accounted for 46.8%, 5 pods accounted for 1.5%, occasionally 6 pods, pods cooked brown, not fried pod. Granule round, yellow, umbilical black shiny, 100 grams weight 20 grams. Asian limited pod habit, spring sowing period of 110-120 days, summer sowing 90 days, both live after the wheat broadcast, but also intercropping with other crops. Wide adaptability,
<正> 据《人民日报·海外版》1988年2月25日报道,在著名侨乡广东台山县办有29种侨刊,去年共出版78期,平均4天多就有一期侨刊出版,全年共印制了18万本,其中有13万本寄送到国外和港澳地区。这29种侨刊有的为县办,有的是地方办的,还有姓氏宗亲办的,形式多种多样。这些侨刊为家
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