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魔怔小斗六岁时被姐姐接到自己家里去了。他总是玩着玩着就扑在姐姐怀里哭。姐姐把他横抱起来,就像抱着婴儿那样,轻轻地拍着他的后背,半天才说,不想她,她都不想你,你何苦想她!然后她叫自己的两个孩子显珍和显珂领小舅舅出去玩。显珍也六岁,显珂五岁,姐弟俩一人拉着小舅舅一只手出去了。这是一幢五间正房,出檐儿,居中开门。房子地基高,门下三级石条台阶,连着两侧与房子等长的外过道,也是石条铺就的。三个孩子就在窗下的过道上玩儿。姐姐在南炕上趴窗台看着他。四月的太阳可心,暖洋洋的,她把上扇窗子推开一半。显珍说,小斗舅舅你干啥呢?磨面呢。小斗说。显珂说,小斗舅舅磨的什么面? Magic startled small bucket when her sister was six years old went to their own home. He was always playing and playing on the arms of her sister crying. My sister hugged him horizontally like a baby, patting his back gently and saying for a long time that she did not want you if she did not want her, and why she wanted her two children Jane and Xian Ke collar uncle went out to play. Hin also six years old, Ke Ke was five years old, one of the brothers and sisters took the little uncle one hand out. This is a five main room, out of children, center to open the door. The foundation of the house is high, with three stone steps under the door, and two outer side aisles that are as long as the house on both sides. The three children play on the aisle under the window. Sister kangled on the windowsill looked at him. The sun in April was pleasant and warm, and she pushed the fanned window halfway open. Show Jane said uncle Dou uncle do what you do? Small bucket said. Xian Ke Ke, uncle Dou uncle grinding what surface?
德国国会经过5年的讨论,近日终于通过限制汽车在某些时刻上路的法律,希望以此防范污染程度恶化。 该法律规定,德国主管当局在臭氧水准超过每立方米240微克时,将宣布“臭氧警
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