Shallow theory of environmental design aesthetics in the application of the rural landscape construc

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  Abstract:In the new century,in order to promote the overall prosperity of rural areas and the development of urban and rural economy and society,the country has put forward the slogan of building a new countryside.Shandong is located in the north China plain,and the rural construction is being quickly carried out,but the construction in many areas has failed to improve the quality of life of ordinary people.Rural landscape occupies an important position in rural construction.This paper analyzes and solves the problems of rural landscape design in southwest shandong from the Angle of environmental design aesthetics.
  Key words:Rural landscape construction、Environmental design aesthetics、Aesthetic transformation and sustainable development
  One:The current situation of rural landscape construction and environmental planning
  Chengwu County,a beautiful county town in the southwest of Heze,Shandong Province.It is located in the North China Plain,with a continental climate in temperate zone and a long history of village civilization.The traditional environment and landscape planning of the village condense the crystallization of the wisdom of the ancestors.
  With the advent of the reform and opening up and the coming of the socialist market economy,people have struggled with urban life,and there is no competitive advantage in the countryside.The rural population is also decreasing,and the continuous flow of population to the city has led to a series of urban problems.For example,"traffic and housing problems",also led to a large number of rural problems,such as "hollow village",and so on,rural villages are more decadent.
  1.1 Problems in rural landscape and environmental planning
  The rural landscape is a landscape type with specific landscape behavior and connotation and the area represented by a settlement form from a scattered farmhouse to a town that provides the functions of production and living services and an area with extensive land use,small population density and obvious pastoral characteristics.
  1.2 Causes of rural landscape environmental planning
  Before we solve these problems,we should have a deep analysis of why this phenomenon occurs.Based on the above problems,we can first see that villagers and local governments not only have a vague understanding of the new national policies,but also have no definite orientation for the development direction of the region,and they know nothing about the knowledge of environmental art and design aesthetics.   Two:Environmental art aesthetics and guiding significance to the problem of rural landscape construction
  2.1The meaning of environmental art aesthetics
  Aesthetics in environmental art aesthetics is a kind of applied aesthetics.It is the aesthetic enjoyment of the subject to the object,and it also requires high cultural cultivation of the subject,and has a strong subjectivity.It is to make the object a "meaningful form" of Clive Bell.As Li Yu said:"with a stone,set upside down,all antiquity written,sinuous painting".As Li Yu said:"with a stone,set upside down,all antiquity written,sinuous painting".
  2.2The application of environmental art design aesthetics in rural landscape construction
  Environmental art design aesthetics attaches importance to the natural inclusiveness of functional areas.The countryside was originally a variety of creatures.The basic features of the country should be taken into account in the planning of landscape design.Instead of building a reinforced concrete "forest" like the city,we should build a shared space suitable for the survival of a variety of organisms and the rationality of the space division should also be maintained.In landscape design,we can completely preserve these landmark things.
  Three:Industrial suitable zone and landscape planning
  3.1 The value of rural landscape
  The rural landscape not only has aesthetic value,cultural value,ecological value,but also economic value.The rural landscape types include:rural residential landscape,network landscape,farming landscape,leisure landscape,heritage conservation landscape,wild area landscape,wetland landscape,woodland landscape,wilderness landscape,industrial landscape and aquaculture landscape.
  Now the country is undergoing economic reform,the third industry is rising,and rural tourism has become a hot spot.Combining the tourism industry with the rural landscape culture and bringing the natural landscape and the ecological products to the urban residents living in the countryside.It's good for each other.
  3.2 Sustainability of rural landscape design
  The rural landscape should not only have ecological sustainability and the sustainable development of economic benefits is realized by using the local characteristics to develop the economy.Building a green eco industrial chain,such as farm park,etc.The young people who work outside can go back to their hometown and start their own business with hope.Only in this way can we realize the organic combination of rural economic development and urban development.It can also solve many social contradictions and realize the harmonious development of the whole society,which is the true meaning of the word "design".
  Reference documentation
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  [3] Feng Dafu."Lao Tzu's translation".Shanghai ancient books publishing house.2007
摘 要:如今,中国正在逐步迈入世界工程大国的行列,拥有者许多世界震撼的项目工程。中国当前的工程现状的主要体现是创新力度不够,项目工程质量有待提高,环境污染较严重,经济效益低等方面。如何解决这些问题,是我国变成工程强国、造福人民的关键所在。  关键词:中国;中国工程;现状成因  一、中国工程的现状  从现在的工程体量上来讲,我国已经可以算作是一个工程大国了。目前有着让全世界叹为观止的项目体量,着得益
摘 要:雕塑是人类创造的一种艺术形式,艺术是人们对审美需求最强烈的一种表达方式。装饰性雕塑是在城市雕塑中数量比较大的一个类型,这类雕塑比较轻松愉快,带给人一种美的享受,被称为雕塑小品。本项目是研究芜湖雕塑公园装饰性雕塑设计,通过对内容、形式、色彩、尺度等诸多方面,与城市环境协调、融合等方面的研究,分析出其展现芜湖风采与底蕴的方式以及与芜湖城市发展的关系。  关键词:装饰性雕塑;文化;艺术底蕴  现
摘 要:改革开放以来,我国的社会经济得到了飞速发展,各个企业及工厂的数量和规模也在不断扩大,在发展经济的同时,我国的环境质量却在逐渐变差,当今的环境问题也成为当今社会广泛关注的重要课题之一。环境工程的建设是构建生态城市的重要前题,所以城市的政府部门应当重视对环境工程的建设,基于此,文章首先对生态城市建设的意义进行阐述,然后对环境工程建设在生态城市的应用进行介绍,旨在进一步促進我国环境质量的进一步提
摘 要:机械制造业是一个国家的基础行业,是国名经济发展的支柱产业。机械制造在中国的发展虽然历史悠久,但长期处于非常落后的状态,知道1949年新中国成立以后逐步发展和壮大起来,。经过多年的发展,中国的机械制造业已经逐步建立了自己的发展体系,几十年来为我国国民经济的发展做出了巨大的贡献。中国的机械制造工业已成为一个规模宏大、门类齐全和工业部门,可以生产各种先进机床和刀具,能制造冶金、化工、纺织等工业的
摘 要:节能环保理念目前已逐渐深入人心,引起人们的广泛关注,在房屋建筑设计中,如何实现节能环保目标,成为当前业内人士研究的重要问题。本文简单分析房屋建筑设计中节能环保存在的不足,提出相关的节能环保措施,以供参考。  关键词:房屋建筑;设计;节能环保;问题  设计是房屋建筑工程实施中的重要环节,关系着房屋建筑节能环保的整体效果,因此,应引起设计单位的高度重视,要求设计人员结合房屋建筑功能要求,将节能
摘 要:在经济和科技双种因素的影响下,建筑行业得到了前所未有的发展。对于建筑工程来说,质量就是生命,它与广大人民群众的生命财产安全相关,同时也关系着建筑企业是否能够长期发展。对于一个建筑来说,地基的设计与建设是保证建筑质量的一个重要条件。因此在进行建筑地基设计和施工时,一定要做好相关的勘察工作,为地基的设计和建设提供依据。本文针对岩土工程勘察问题这一课题进行了相关的论述,希望能够给相关人员的研究起
摘 要:对着我国社会主义事业的不断进步和发展,对于交通运输业的需求日益增长。为了满足城市交通的发展,各种城市立交桥和地铁建设显得尤为重要,而高架桥在我国已经有了很多年的发展,同时对于高架桥建设后基础的抢险加固和一些检测中的关键技术提出了很大的挑战。  关键词:高架桥;抢险加固;检测;关键技术  前言  城市高架桥的建设在很大程度上缓解了我国城市交通的运输业压力,但同时也带来了一定的压力。由于高架桥
摘 要:多绳摩擦式提升机钢丝绳的更换工艺复杂,各矿的换绳方法也不同,在施工过程中的安全问题尤其重要,一个好的,成熟的工艺方法既可以提高施工安全性,又可以有效的提高生产效率。本文对矿山提升机换绳工艺进行了简要叙述分析,希望对相关研究领域提供借鉴经验。  关键词:矿山;换绳;安全生产;施工安全  一、导言  多绳摩擦式提升机在现代化矿山中得到了广泛的应用,《煤矿安全规程》中规定摩擦式提升机提升钢丝绳的
摘 要:随着社会的不断发展,科技的不断进步,我国的国民经济也随之 提高,就我国目前的形式来看,我国对石油天然气管道的施工质量越来越重视,近几年,我国的石油天然气管道的施工步入高峰期,石油天然气管道的施工不是 一项简单的工程,而是非常复杂的一项工程,要想确保石油天然气管道的施工有着一定的安全性,就必须对石油天然气管道的施工进行质量上的管理。  关键词:石油天然气;管道施工;质量管理  随着社会的进步
摘 要:随着社会经济的不断发展,工程建设领域涉及的范围和内容也越来越广泛。隧道工程施工作为工程建设施工中难度较大的工程项目,在施工过程中支护技术使用的是否合理是影响施工人员人身安全的重要手段之一。文章主要是就隧道工程支护施工技术的应用进行了分析与探讨。  关键词:安全与稳定;隧道工程;支护措施  隧道支护就是在隧道开挖过程中,对隧道周围岩石采取加固的措施,确保隧道周围岩石的稳定性,避免隧道开挖施工