推进公民道德建设 弘扬培育民族精神

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十六大《报告》明确提出:“全面建设小康社会,必须大力发展社会主义文化,建设社会主义精神文明。当今世界,文化与经济和政治相互交融,在综合国力竞争中的地位和作用越来越突出。文化的力量,深深熔铸在民族的生命力、创造力和凝聚力之中。”因此,党中央要求我们“面对世界范围各种思想文化的相互激荡,必须把弘扬和培育民族精神作为文化建设极为重要的任务,纳入国民教育全过程,纳入精神文明建设全过程,使全体人民始终保持昂扬向上的精神状态。”这一重要论断为我们弘扬与培育民族精神,推进公民道德建设指明了前进方向。 一、弘扬培育民族精神:公民道德建设魂之所在。 公民道德建设是提高全民族素质的一项基础性工程,也是一个复杂的社会系统工程。其核心环节是弘扬与培育民族精神。民族精神是一个民族的灵魂,是一个民族赖以生存和发展的强大精神支撑,是一个国家兴旺发达的精神动力。民族精神的大发扬,必然带来全体人民思想道德素质的大提高。反之,一个民族、一个国家如果没有振奋的精神和高 The 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out clearly: “To build an overall well-to-do society, we must vigorously develop the socialist culture and build a socialist spiritual civilization.” The more prominent the strength of culture is deeply rooted in the vitality, creativity and cohesion of the nation. “Therefore, the Central Party Committee requires us to” face up to the turbulence of various ideologies and cultures in different parts of the world and regard the promotion and cultivation of the national spirit as Cultural construction is an extremely important task, into the entire process of national education, into the entire process of spiritual civilization construction, so that all people always maintain a high spirited state of mind. "This important thesis for our promotion and nurturing of national spirit, to promote civic morality specified Forward direction. First, to promote the cultivation of national spirit: the soul of civic morality lies. Citizen moral construction is a basic project to improve the quality of the whole nation and a complicated social system project. The core link is to promote and nurture the national spirit. National spirit is the soul of a nation, a strong spiritual support for the survival and development of a nation, and a spiritual driving force for the prosperity of a country. The great development of the national spirit will inevitably bring about a great improvement in the ideological and moral quality of all the people. Conversely, a nation, a country without the spirit and high excitement
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黔黑的脸庞,一双充满灵气的眼睛。他,便 中湖南省消防总队摄影、摄像新闻报道 员梁向锋。在消防部队从事宣传工作,并非他的初衷,当初文化基础并不厚实的他,凭勤奋和悟性,很快于得如
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很高兴郭师傅能从利国利民的大局和利于货车司机自身安全的角度,理解这次治理超载违章行动的意义。同时,对你提出的问题咱们交换交换意见。 这次公安部在全国范围组织治理超载
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