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中央颁布的《党政领导干部选拔任用工作条例》,充分体现了“三个代表”重要思想和中央对干部选拔任用工作的新要求,是党的组织工作与时俱进、开拓创新的重要成果,内容更加充实完善,规定更为科学规范。笔者认为,要学习贯彻好《条例》精神,必须做到“四个坚持”。一、坚持深入学习,准确把握精神实质学习领会好精神实质,是贯彻落实《条例》的基础,是选准用好干部的前提。一是学习《条例》是当前一项紧迫的政治任务。各级党委要带头学,理论学习中心组要安排时间集中学,进行专题讨论,并召开民主生活会,围绕《条例》的具体规定,结合工作实际,认真开展批评和自我批评。党委(党组)主要负责同志要带头学,亲自抓,切实履行好直接责任人的职责,一级抓一级,层层抓落实,不断增强各级领导干部的政治观念、组织观念和法纪观念,坚持正确的用人导向。广大干部群众要切实增强学习《条例》的积极性和自觉性,强化民主意识和参与意识,为落实对干部工作的知情权、参与权、选择权和监督权创造条件。二是学习《条例》要与学习“三个代表”重要思想和党的十六大会议精神结合起来,从更高的层次理解《条例》的精神实质,把握 The “Regulations on the Appointment and Appointment of Leading Cadres to the Party and the Government” promulgated by the Central Government fully embody the important requirements of the important thinking of the ’Three Represents and the central authorities’ requirements for the selection and appointment of cadres. They are the party’s organizational work that advances with the times and is pioneering and innovative Important achievements, content more substantial improvement, the provisions of a more scientific and standardized. The author believes that in order to study and implement the spirit of the “Regulations,” we must achieve “four persistence.” I. Insisting on Studying in Depth, Grasping the Spiritual Essence, Studying and Comprehending Good Spiritual Essence, It is the Basis for Implementing the “Regulations,” and Is the Prerequisite for Selecting and Using the Cadres Well. First, studying the “Regulations” is an urgent political task at present. The party committees at all levels should take the lead in studying and the theoretical study center group should arrange time for concentration, conduct special discussions and hold a democratic life meeting. In the light of the specific provisions of the “Regulations” and in light of the actual work, the center should conscientiously carry out criticism and self-criticism. The main responsible comrades of the party committees (party groups) should take the lead in studying and personally arresting and earnestly performing the duties of being directly responsible persons, grasping them one at a time and implementing them at every level so as to continuously enhance the political concepts, organizational concepts and legal concepts of leading cadres at all levels, Adhere to the correct employment-oriented. The broad masses of cadres and masses should earnestly enhance the enthusiasm and awareness of studying the “Regulations,” strengthen their awareness of democracy and participation, and create conditions for implementing the right to information, participation, choice and supervision over the work of cadres. Second, to study the “Regulations” must be combined with the study of the important thinking of the ’Three Represents,’ with the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress, understand the essence of the Regulations from a higher level,