The-ing forms in English

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  【Abstract】The English -ing forms which are derived from verbs are a major challenge for learners of English. An -ing form can be used (i) as a nouns, (ii) as a gerund, (iii) as an adjective/adverb, and (iv) to form a large number of tenses and modalities/aspects for verbs. -ing forms are a major problem for any learner of English. This article attempts to provide a systematic description of the various forms to English learners.
  【Key words】The English -ing forms;verbs
  All -ing forms are derived from verbs. They describe different actions and aspects-modes which modify the basic meaning of the verb. In the phrase ‘To make a presentation’, for instance, the word ‘make’ is simply a verb which expresses an action. However, there are other ways in which verbs can be used:making a presentation is easy; the making of this presentation was difficult; the woman was interrupted while she was making a presentation; the man is going to make a presentation tomorrow. Or, with other verbs: he is looking down the road; a horrible-looking building; he will be departing tomorrow; there was blazing sunlight; he was going to produce a marketing survey, etc.
  1 The -ing form as a noun
  The basic form of a verb can become a noun. A noun can be recognised because it can be used, for instance, with an article or a possessive pronoun. So, in the following cases, the -ing form transforms a verb into a noun:
   The marketing of the product will continue for a few months.
   I’m angry about his missing the meeting.
   This painting is very beautiful.
   Do you mind my coming?
  In this way, also new composite nouns can be created:
   The meeting room is very large.
   The welcoming party met him at the airport.
  In these cases, the stress is, however, always on the first word. If the second word is stressed the whole meaning changes: the cleaning lady (an occupation) may actually just having breakfast, whereas the cleaning lady may refer, for instance, to an office secretary who is just cleaning her desk.
  2 The -ing form as a gerund
  The basic form of a verb can also become a gerund. This form is similar to a noun, however it cannot be used with an article or a possessive pronoun. It more conveys the process, the action of something rather than the finished product, and a direct object can be attached.
   Taking photos at night-time is very difficult. (You cannot say: the taking photos …. You can say ‘the taking of photos’ in which case ‘taking’ is a noun)
   Marketing the product has been a very lengthy process.
   Smoking is forbidden in restaurants.
   Speaking to many people can be exhausting.
   Before leaving, you need ring your mother.
  3 The -ing form as an adjective (participle)
  The basic form of a verb can also be become an adjective. In this function, it is mostly called a‘participle’. It is used before a noun.
   I was bitten by a barking dog.
   We were looking at the sinking sun.
  4 The -ing form and the formation of tenses
  The following tenses are formed with am/are/is and the -ing form. They are Progressive -ing Forms, Present Perfect Progressive Tense. Past Progressive Tense. Future Progressive Tense. The be-going-to Form in combination with the Past Tense.The be going-to Form in combination with the Simple Form.
  5 The -ing forms and their reference for the learner
  The -ing form is used to expand the basic meaning of a verbs. It can be used to form (2) a noun, (2) a gerund, (3) a participle/adjective, and also to create (4) a large number of tenses with very specific modifications and aspects.
  Whenever an -ing form occurs, its correct aspect and mode can be analysed. And the correct understanding of the various -ing forms is also be important for correct translations into Chinese.
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