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  1.franchise n. 获特许权的商业(或服务机构)
  2.ingredient n. 原料
  3.bun n. 圆面包
  Five Guys is one of the most popular hamburger places. Founded in 1986 by Jerry Murrell, the company now has franchises worldwide. On a recent visit to the Five Guys headquarters in Lorton, Virginia, I spoke with Murrell about his lifes work and his love of 1. . When Murrells children told him that theyd rather work than go to 2. , he used their college money to start a burger place. Murrell had always loved burgers. As for where he got the 3. for his restaurant: He has five sons.
  What is behind the success of Five Guys? Everything on the menu at Five Guys, including the burgers, hot dogs, French fries, and sandwiches, is made with fresh ingredients. Even the buns are made with fresh eggs and milk.
  When Murrell started the company, his sons were in charge of buying ingredients. They never
  looked at the prices, he says. 4. , they focused on taste and quality. Although the burgers are a little more 5. than at other chains, customers dont seem to mind. Murrell says that everyone in his family enjoys eating Five Guys burgers. He loves the burgers at McDonalds, too. “The more hamburgers everyone eats,” he adds, “the better.”
  In 2003, Five Guys became a franchise. That means it sells permits to individuals who want to own a Five Guys. Deciding 6. to locate a new restaurant is based on foot traffic. For that, Murrell uses a special software program. If a location is expensive, he says, its for a reason. It usually means that a lot of people visit that area. Five Guys currently has 1,500 franchises around the world, with another 1,500 on the way. Murrell has visited most of the 7. where his restaurants are located, and his sons have been to all of them. They recently opened 8. in Italy and Switzerland.
  The best part of owning a business, he adds, is meeting people. “Were always amazed that people treat us so nice,” he says. “Wherever we go in the world, people know who we are.”
  Ⅰ.Important vocabulary in the text
  1.mind v. 介意
  2.permit n. 許可证
  3.as for 至于
  4.in charge of 负责
  5.focus on 关注……
  Ⅱ.Sentences for writing
  1.would rather do sth than do sth “宁愿做某事而不愿做某事”
  When Murrells children told him that
   work go to college, he used their college money to start a burger place.   2.连接副词where引导的名词性从句
  As for he got the name for his restaurant: He has five sons.
  3.with 名词/代词 介词短语复合结构
  Five Guys目前在世界各地拥有1,500 家特许经营权,另外1,500 家正在筹建中。
  Five Guys currently has 1,500 franchises around the world, another 1,500 on the way.
  4.wherever引导让步状语从句,相当于no matter where
   we go in the world, people know who we are.
  pick up new skills 学习新技能
  cater to teenagers 迎合青少年
  entertain young ones 娱乐年轻人
  enrichment classes for kids 儿童补习班
  work ones way up 获得提升
  take part in conversations 参与对话
  cope with stress and anxiety 应对压力和焦虑
  build childrens confidence 建立孩子们的自信心
  explore a variety of possibilities 探索各种可能性
  keep the children occupied 让孩子们有事做
  be engaged in a range of exercises 参加一系列的锻炼
  improve childrens social skills 提高孩子们的社交能力
  spark childrens imagination 激发孩子们的想象力
  cultivate childrens aesthetic sense 培养孩子们的审美意识
  develop critical and creative skills 培养批判性和创造性技能
  get children hooked on reading 让孩子们沉迷于阅读
  develop a deeper understanding of the world 加深对世界的了解
  develop a closer bond with teenagers 与青少年建立更紧密的联系
  help children excel in examinations 帮助孩子们在考试中取得优异成绩
  make sense of a host of real?life situations 理解现实生活中的许多情况
  be exposed to a range of energetic and fun activities 参加一些充满活力和有趣的活动
  1.Annes account of her interment, as well as her deep belief in the good of humanity in the light of atrocities, has become one of the worlds most widely read books. 安妮对她葬礼的描述,以及她对人性在暴行面前的美好信念,使这本书成为世界上阅读最广泛的书籍之一。
  2.Katie donated her cabbage to a soup kitchen where it helped to feed more than 275 people. 凯蒂把卷心菜捐给了一个施食处,这个施食处养活的人超过275个。
  3.Today, Katies Krops donates thousands of pounds of fresh produce from numerous gardens to organizations that help people in need. 如今,Katies Krops把许多菜园里数千磅的新鲜农产品捐赠给机构,用来帮助有需要的人。
  4.Studying at the Royal Institute for Blind Youth in Paris, Louis invented a system of reading and writing for the blind involving raised dots, which today is known as Braille. 在巴黎皇家青年盲人学院学习期间,路易斯发明了一种盲人阅读和书写系统,包括凸点,这就是今天的盲文。
  5.In 2000, just after turning 4 years old, she informed her mother that she wanted to start a lemonade stand to raise money for doctors to help other kids, like they helped me. 2000年,刚满4岁的她告诉母亲,她想卖柠檬水,用来为医生筹集资金,帮助其他孩子,就像他们帮助我一样。
  6.Ryans determination led to Ryans Well Foundation, which has completed more than 900 projects around the world, bringing access to clean water and sanitation to more than 800,000 people. 瑞安的决心促成了瑞安水井基金会的成立。该基金会在世界各地完成了900多个项目,为80多万人提供了清洁用水和卫生设施。
  7.Rosa Parks is credited with starting the civil rights movement in Montgomery, Alabama, in 1955 when she refused to give up her seat on a segregated bus. 1955年,罗莎·帕克斯拒绝在种族隔离的公交车上让座,由此引发了阿拉巴马州蒙哥马利市的民权运动。
  8.Dylan is in his early 20s now and is currently working as a software engineer in addition to continuing his work with the Acacia and the UN. 迪伦现在20岁出头,除了继续在金合欢和联合国的工作外,目前还在做软件工程师。
<正> 1 格林—巴利综合征 患者女,6岁,持续发热10天,四肢进行性无力3天而入院。10天前无明显诱因出现持续发热,体温达39℃,无寒颤,曾给予青霉素G钠80万μimBid,无效,入院前3
<正> 阿米巴肝脓肿临床上多发生在肝右叶,在肝左叶者甚为少见,由于表现复杂,常易误诊,为提高对本病的认识,现将我院1970~1995年收治的,阿米巴肝左叶脓肿10例的临床资料分析如
本文提供165例资料,分三组,观察其QTc间期,发现QTc离散度】100ms,是恶性心律失常的征兆,现报道如下。 1 对象与方法 1.1 对象 选本院1990~1995年门诊、住院患者共165例,所有病
<正> 肺结核与肺癌的关系早已引起人们的关注。结核菌与其他细菌一样,由于体内外环境的改变或抗结核药物等因素作用下,可导致细胞壁部分或完全缺失而形成L型。迄今已在乳腺癌
你分得清幻想、梦想和现实吗?影片《心在彼处(Wish I Was Here)》由Zach Braff自编自导自演,讲述了主人公Aidan将三者区分开来的过程。Aidan是一个籍籍无名的演员,在很长时间没有