
来源 :中国临床神经科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ssss426
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利用尿激酶静脉溶栓治疗是治疗急性脑梗死(6h以内)的一种有效办法。但对于超过溶栓时间窗以及不适合溶栓治疗的脑梗死患者,如何有效的阳止病情进展,降低致残率是脑梗死治疗的主要目标。我科自2006年3月至2007年3月对51例脑梗死患者给予纤溶酶与奥扎格雷联合治疗,并与同期单独应用纤溶酶治疗48例脑梗死患者进行对比观察,以评价其临床疗效和对血液流变学的影响。 Intravenous thrombolytic therapy with urokinase is an effective treatment for acute cerebral infarction (within 6h). However, for patients with cerebral infarction who are beyond the thrombolytic time window and not suitable for thrombolytic therapy, how to effectively improve the morbidity and reduce the morbidity is the main goal of treatment of cerebral infarction. Our department from March 2006 to March 2007 of 51 cases of cerebral infarction patients given plasminogen and ozagrel combination therapy, and with the same period alone fibrinolytic treatment of 48 patients with cerebral infarction compared to observe its Clinical Efficacy and Effects on Hemorheology.
The contribution of hereditary and environmental factors to the pathogenesis of symptomatic gallstone disease is still unclear. We estimated the relative import
Different spelling traditions for the personal names of the two founding Manchu emperors,referred as Qing Taizu and Qing Taizong in the official Qing history,ha
素材鉴读:诚实是一种美德,虚伪为人不齿。然而有些时候,我们无意中窥探到别人的隐私、秘密,不妨装聋作哑一番,既可以避免尴尬,给别人一个台阶下,同时也让自己置身事外,不会被卷入纷争的漩涡。  适用文题:做人的智慧/难得糊涂/避开纷争/“装聋作哑”  唐穆宗沉溺于声色犬马之中,大兴土木,根本不顾百姓死活,任凭宦官专权,不思励精图治,但朝臣们却敢怒不敢言,无人敢挺身而出向他劝谏。  当时著名书法家柳公权为
BACKGROUND:Studies have shown that closed-class words,such as prepositions and conjunctions,induce a left anterior negativity(N280),indicating that N280 should
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