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  Words: 314Suggested time: 6 minutes
  Scientists have discovered that stored blood loses a life-saving gas. This discovery may explain why a great number of people get sick after receiving stored blood.
  In recent years, experts have wondered why patients who should survive sometimes die after receiving a blood transfusion. The cause of death is often a heart attack or stroke.
  Jonathan Stamler is a professor of medicine at Duke University in North Carolina. He and other researchers found that stored blood has very low levels of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is a gas found in red blood cells. The gas helps to keep blood passages open so that oxygen in the cells can reach the heart and other organs.
  Professor Stamler and his team found that nitric oxide in blood begins to break down as soon as the blood is collected. Their findings were reported in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
  Another team of Duke University scientists carried out a separate study. Professor Stamler says the second study found that the breakdown of nitric oxide begins within hours of blood collection.
  He says the life-saving gas is partly lost after three hours. And about seventy percent of it is lost after just one day. As a result, he says, there is almost no time that stored blood has enough nitric oxide.
  The researchers tested their findings on dogs. They found that low levels of nitric oxide reduced the flow of blood in the animals.
  However, Professor Stamler says the scientists corrected the situation. They added nitric oxide to the stored blood given to the dogs. He says the extra nitric oxide repaired the ability of red blood cells to expand blood passages.
  Professor Stamler says people who are in serious need of a blood transfusion should have one. But he says more studies are needed to show who would receive the most help from stored blood.
  1. Nitric oxide is called a life-saving gas because_____________.
  A. it can help the patients to keep normal breath
  B. it can keep the levels of oxygen in the stored blood
  C. it can make sure that the organs will get oxygen in the cells
  D. it is difficult to keep the levels of nitric oxide inthe cells
  2. What made Professor Stamler and his team do theresearch on stored blood?
  A. They hoped to find a way to prevent heart attacks.
  B. The reason that causeds some deaths because of the use of stored blood.
  C. The reason why nitric oxide broke down in stored blood.
  D. How to add nitric oxide to the stored blood.
  3. We can learn from the last paragraph that____________ .
  A. more studies on blood transfusion in animals are needed
  B. how to expand blood passages should be further tested
  C. Professor Stamler suggests experts are to blame for blood transfusion
  D. Professor Stamler advises caution in blood transfusion
  4. Which of the following is not TRUE according to the passage?
  A. It is helpful to add nitric oxide to the stored blood.
  B. nitric oxide reduces after the blood is collected.
  C. All people renvain safe after receiving a bloodtransfusion.
  D. Many people get sick after receiving stored blood.
  5. The main purpose of the passage is ____________.
  A. to report the latest research achievements on storedblood
  B. to introduce the procedure for the research on stored blood
  C. to warn people of the danger of blood transfusion
  D. to help people to receive better blood transfusion
  1. C细节理解题。从文中第三段最后一句“Nitric oxide is a gas found in red blood cells. The gas helps to keep blood passages open so that oxygen in the cells can reach the heart and other organs.”即可找到答案。
  2. B细节理解题。从文中第二、三段便可得出正确答案。
  3. D推理判断题。从文章的最后一段,Stamler教授建议到底谁最需要输血还需要作进一步的研究,我们可以看出在输血问题上他持谨慎的态度。故选项D是正确答案。
  4. C细节理解题。选项A、B、D在文中都能找到,只有选项C没有提到。
  5. A主旨大意题。通读全文便知,本文主要介绍了科学家们在库存血方面的最新研究成果。
  Words: 343Suggested time: 7 minutes
  Until March 28, the fate of the gray wolf in the Rocky Mountains was in the hands of the federal government because the wolf was listed as an endangered species. But once it was removed from the list—a decision that is being challenged in court by a dozen conservation groups—the gray wolf fell under the protection of individual states. That is turning out to mean almost no protection at all.
  Idaho’s Fish and Game department announced last week that it would allow 428 of the state’s estimated 1,000 wolves to die this year. Some will die of natural causes. Most will be killed by hunters.
  Idaho officials argue that the remaining population will still be larger than the very small number to be protected in the original federal wolf recovery plans. But Idaho’s Fish and Game department has overruled its own staff biologists, who for the good of the wolf population—and the ecosystem(生态系统) as a whole—argued that more animals should be allowed to survive.
  Sadly, in Idaho, wolves are nothing more than another game animal to be managed for the benefit of human hunters.
  Beginning on Sept. 15, any Idaho hunter with a hunting license and $10.50 for a wolf tag will be entitled to shoot one wolf, at least until the quota(限额) of dead wolves in his region has been reached. And how will a hunter know if the local quota has been reached? There will be a hot line, of course.
  Hunters will be encouraged not to shoot wolves wearing radio collars because those wolves are still being studied. Perhaps the solution is to fit all wolves with radio collars.
  It is still possible that Idaho’s wolves—and the wolves in other states—will get a reprieve. A federal judge will soon decide whether to support or object to the government’s decision to delist the gray wolf. We hope he will restore the wolf to the endangered species list. There is no better proof of how dangerous life is for wolves than Idaho’s plan to protect them.
  6. From the first paragraph, we can know that ____________.
  A. the gray wolf was not listed as an endangeredspecies until March 28
  B. in the author’s opinion, individual states will not protect the gray wolf well
  C. the gray wolf fell under the protection of individual states when it was listed as an endangered species
  D. it’s up to the federal government to protect the gray wolf after it was removed from the list
  7. Idaho officials permit a certain number of gray wolves to be hunted because ________.
  A. some will die of natural causes if they are not killed by hunters
  B. hunters kill gray wolves for the good of the wolf population
  C. they argue that more animals should be allowed to survive
  D. the wolves left will still be more than those to be protected
  8. The underlined word reprieve in the last paragraph mean?
  A. probably means an official order to put gray wolves back on endangered list.
  B. to remove the gray wolf from the list of endangered species.
  C. to permit 428 of the state’s estimated 1,000 wolves to be hunted.
  D. to fit all wolves with radio collars.
  9. What does the author think of Idaho’s plan to protect gray wolves?
  A. Wolves are only a game animal to be managed for the benefit of human hunters.
  B. There is no better plan to protect gray wolves than Idaho’s plan.
  C. It will restore the wolf to the endangered species list.
  D. It’s a danger to the life of the gray wolf.
  10. The author will agree to the point of view of____.
  A. Idaho’s Fish and Game department
  B. Idaho’s officials
  C. staff biologists in Idaho’s Fish and Game department
  D. the federal judge
  6. B细节理解题。从文章第一段最后部分便即可找到答案。
  7. D细节理解题。从文章第二段和第三段中的“Idaho officials argue that the remaining population will still be larger than the very small number to be protected in the original federal wolf recovery plans.”这句话即可得出答案。
  8. A词汇猜测题。根据上下文可以推断出该词的意思。
  9. D细节理解题。从文章最后一段的“There is no better proof of how dangerous life is for wolves than Idaho’s plan to protect them.”这句话可知正确答案。
  10. C细节理解题。从文章第三段最后部分可知staff biologists的观点与作者的观点基本相同。
前言2009年高考与往年大不相同。今年有海南、山东、广东、宁夏、江苏、辽宁、天津、安徽、福建、浙江和上海等11个省市进行新课改的新高考,将学业水平测试和德智体美劳等各方面素质作为高考录取参考。其中,辽宁、天津、福建、安徽、浙江5个省份是第一次进入新课程高考。2010年,北京市也将进行首次新课改高考。到2012年,全国除港、澳、台以外的所有省市将全面进入新课改高考。  始自2004年,新课改向全国各
阅读下面的文章,完成1~3题。    当代平民教育的价值  杨东平    随着在农村实施免费义务教育,建立新的国家资助体系,教育公平已经成为社会的主流话语和教育公共政策的基本价值。在这一背景下,重提“平民教育”,引起了一些人的质疑。因为在贫穷落后的20世纪20、30年代,平民教育是以扫盲为主的贫民教育、难民教育;在今天我国已经基本普及九年义务教育、追求教育现代化的发展形势下,平民教育是不是一种已经
古往今来,许多墨客骚人喜欢把酒临风,仰首吟月,曾为人们留下了不少脍炙人口的篇章。  他们对月吟唱,不但激寄抒怀,而且还独出心裁地给月亮加上了许多文雅别致的称号。因此在不少诗词、歌赋中,有关月亮的别名和美称就层出不穷了。例如苏轼《中秋月》一诗中:“暮云收尽溢清寒,银汉无声转玉盘。”《水调歌头?中秋》词中“但愿人长久,千里共婵娟”的名句。其中“玉盘”、“婵娟”,就是月亮的雅号。再加僧惠洪《秋千》诗:“
集合这一部分内容是高中数学的基础知识,为历年高考的必考内容,高考中除了考查对集合基本概念的理解外,主要考查集合语言和集合思想做为一种重要数学工具的理解和运用能力,由于集合部分的概念比较抽象,符号术语多,致使一些同学感到难以适应,常常因为这样或那样的原因造成解题失误 .为了帮助同学们解决学习中常出现的问题,本文针对在学习中需要特别注意的地方提出了四个警示,帮助同学们掌握有关知识,提高学习成绩.  在
亲爱的同学,高考就要来临了,此时的你,会怎样看待高考呢?  有人可能会说,高考像一条河,跨过去就会看到彼岸的繁花朵朵,跨不过去,奋斗的理想可能被湍急的河水阻滞,甚至冲跑。  其实,高考并非是湍急的、可怕的河,你也不是毫无准备、漫无目的、不讲章法的徒步过河者。   应当说,高考的确是一次跨越,但绝不是终极的跨越。人生本身就是在不断地跨越,又何止高考这道河?  如果把高考看作一条河,河的“使命”,是把
成语“逐鹿中原”怎么解释?金庸的武侠小说《鹿鼎记》提到,这里的“鹿”指的是天下人民,因为鹿虽是庞然大物,性子却甚温和,象征天下老百姓众多却温顺善良。  但小说家之言,不可尽信。较权威的典故,是《史记?淮阴侯传列传》所说:“秦失其鹿,天下共逐之。”  “逐”是追赶。但追赶的为什么是鹿,不是羊或猪?又想起另一成语:“鹿死谁手”,古人认为,鹿是狩猎的目标,也常以“鹿”引申指帝位或政权。“鹿死谁手”可比喻
班主任是班级之魂。班主任是班级管理工作的直接管理者和第一责任人,是搞好班级管理工作的关键和核心。因此,作为班主任的首要工作是:营造一个和谐融洽,人人上进的良好班集体,要让班级中的每一个学生都能得到熏陶与感染,形成健康的班级风气与学习氛围。  班主任面对的是不同的学生个体,每个学生都有自己的特点、兴趣、情感和需要,具有不同的发展水平。要让不同的学生都有所提高,有所发展,班主任必须根据学生的个体差异,
一、选择题:本大题共有25小题,每小题2分,共50分。每小题的四个选项中,只有一项是最符合题目要求的。  1.“已丑了,金牛叫;风雨顺,五谷笑;事如意,平安罩;身体棒,福寿到;亲满堂,欢乐绕……”这是2009年春节的祝福短信,其中的“已丑”,“金牛”等源自  A.中国原始的图腾崇拜  B.中国古代的农业文明  C.中国古代的宗法制度  D.中国古代的神话传说  2.我们一般将史料分为第一手史料和第
素质教育在提速,绩效工资又推开。面对新形势、迎接新挑战,语文教育工作者没有不反思语文教学的理由,更何况 “语文教育”是基础教育中最大的受害者。众所周知:语文教育先有“学好数理化,走遍天下都不怕”的口号冲击,再有“语文费时又费力,学了也无法得高分”的高考制约,后有“不懂英语与计算机是现代文盲”的观念打击。欲想让语文教育走出低谷,怨天尤人是无济于事的,唯有时刻反思自我,瓶颈一破才会天地宽。新形势下的语