QPETDZ Being Well-Equipped for Investment Promotion

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  In June, activities of investment promotion of Qinzhou Port Economic and Technological Development Zone (QPETDZ) located on the coast of Guangxi’s Beibu Gulf is in full swing. From January to April 2019, QPETDZ has successfully introduced a number of major projects of Huayi Chemical New Material Integration Base, such as propylene and downstream deep processing integration project with a production of 750,000 tons per year, caustic soda and polyvinyl chloride project, and praxair separation project, with a total investment of RMB 20.8 billion yuan.
  At present, QPETDZ is well-equipped with the gradually mature conditions for economic development, enlarged geographical advantage, and obvious spillover effect for investment promotion. From “attracting capital” to “choosing capital”, fundamental changes have taken place in the pattern of investment attraction in QPETDZ.
  Industrial cluster and economic potential attracting business
  In recent years, QPETDZ has achieved great leap-forward development, becoming the first development zone in Guangxi, with an output capacity of more than RMB 100 billion yuan, with its main economic indicators and comprehensive strength ranking at the top of the first batch of state-level development zones in western China. In addition, QPETDZ has been committed to realizing the new pattern of “big opening up, big channel, big port, big industry and big logistics”, and promoting the construction of major high quality projects, thus to gather a number of industries such as fast petrochemical, equipment manufacturing and energy, and attract many enterprises with its huge potential.
  On the basis of industry layout planning, QPETDZ has mainly developed port industry such as petrochemical industry, equipment manufacturing, energy, grain and oil, paper pulp and modern logistics, focused on building the two-thousand-billion-yuan industrial park — China Petroleum and Chemical Industrial Park (Qinzhou) and Dalanping Logistics Processing Industrial Park (i.e., equipment manufacturing industrial park), and formed the ten-billion-yuan industrial clusters with grain and oil, paper making, energy industry. At present, there are 29 industrial enterprises above the designated scale, including an enterprise with an output value of over RMB 40 billion yuan, two with an output value of over RMB 5 billion yuan, eight with an output value of over RMB 1 billion yuan, and 20 with an output value of over RMB 100 million yuan.   Regarding to the grain and oil industrial cluster, Li Jianguo, General Manager of Guangxi Jiuhe Oil Company, who came from Yunnan Province to invest in QPETDZ in 2017, frankly said that it was precisely because of QPETDZ’s upstream industrial chain with large grain and oil processing enterprises as its core, that he decided to invest RMB 107 million yuan into QPETDZ. And this is only the epitome of QPETDZ’s effect of industrial cluster.
  At the same time, QPETDZ has taken advantage of the construction of the Belt and Road and New Western Land and Sea Corridor, to greatly boost industry cluster development. Wu Bibo, Deputy Director of QPETDZ Management Committee said, “For example, by relying on the advantage of wharf, QPETDZ’s logistics industry has actively integrated into the Belt and Road, developed modern logistics industry and shipping industry, built regional international logistics hub, formed a new logistics base, and sped up the development of multimodal transport, cold chain logistics and intelligent logistics.” Up to now, 11 of the top 20 logistics enterprises (shipping companies) in China have successively settled in Qinzhou, which has further perfected the logistics industry layout of QPETDZ.
  The coordinated development of industry has made the economic advantages obvious. From January to April 2019, the main economic indicators of QPETDZ increased significantly, making a “good start”. Of which, the industrial output value above scale reached RMB 22.66 billion yuan, up 11% year-on-year. Total fixed asset investment increased by 33.8% year-on-year. Fiscal revenue grew by 41.6% year-on-year. The port throughput reached 36.714 million tons, up 19.8% year on year. And 776,000 TEUs were completed, up 29.1% year-on-year.
  Actively improving business environment
  Since 2019, QPETDZ has focused on enterprise services, and effectively solved difficulties of enterprises' settlement and operation, so that enterprises can stay longer and grow better.
  On March 18, 2019, along with the opening of “comprehensive window for enterprise” in the examination and approval hall of the Administrative Examination and Approval Bureau of QPETDZ, you only need to submit a set of application materials to the "single window" to start a business.
  “It used to be time-consuming and difficult to start a business,” said Xie Zhaoxiang, head of Qinzhou Senhaida Trading Co., Ltd. Now it takes just only an hour, rather than 20 days in the past, to set up a company and complete the procedure in QPETDZ.   According to the head of the window, QPETDZ has established the “half an hour business" working mechanism, cleared each link’s job responsibilities, operating norms and time limit, and strengthened the coordination with government departments, financial system and intermediary service agencys, so as to ensure the smooth running of enterprise, and realize the result of “one-time information gathering for multiple reuse”.
  In addition, in order to boost the investment promotion, QPETDZ has focused on enterprise growth, adhered to the service spirit of people-oriented and people's livelihood-oriented, actively solved the small matter of the people's livelihood, and done well in service work, thus to promote the high-quality development of industry.
  “Of the 120 employees in our company, only 16 are from the headquarters, and the rest are from Qinzhou," said Yu Dongbo, Manager of Qinzhou Luhua Peanut Cooking Oil Co., Ltd. Besides, in order to keep workers’ mind on their work, QPETDZ Management Committee successively assisted eight kids to go to school in 2017 and 2018.
  Su Yingquan, Secretary of Party Working Committee of QPETDZ said that only when the people's livelihood is improved can enterprises have passion for investment.
当中国改革开放的大门越开越大时,越南这一重要邻国也在做着同样的事情。1986年,越南开始“革新开放”后,对内便不断改革僵化的计划经济,对外则积极招商引资。同时,为了发展外向型经济,越南也与尽可能多的国家签署贸易协定。近日,越南与欧盟签署的自由贸易协定和投资保护协定就是其中一个。  毋庸置疑,这一协定的签署将为越南更深入地走向国际市场带来历史新机遇。不过,对于世界第二大经济体以及越南的重要贸易伙伴—
隔海相望,命運与共;风雨兼程,携手同行。  马来西亚是东盟各国中率先与中国建交的国家,也是新时期中国的重要战略伙伴。自1974年中马建交以来,双方以政治互信为基石,着眼时代发展潮流和两国人民的根本利益,建立了愈加成熟、稳固的中马关系。  如今,走过45年不平凡历程的中马两国正迎来了两国关系更高水平、更大发展的新时代。新时代也意味着新起点,在两国国家领导人的重要指引中,在两国关系的不断探索中,行稳致
“中国的吃货们,你们好!这是我的榴莲山,今天我带大家来巡山!”32岁的马来西亚商人茹宝顺站在位于彭亨州劳勿的榴莲园里,笑容灿烂地对着镜头推销起自家的猫山王榴莲,他家的榴莲曾多次入选马来西亚国宴。5年前,当他跟创业伙伴陈志强买下这片上千亩的榴莲山时,他或许没有想到自家的榴莲会热销中国。  而5年后,乘着中国批准进口马来西亚整颗冷冻榴莲的东风,借助世界电子贸易平台(以下简称eWTP),茹宝顺的猫山王榴
7月11日,菲律宾勞工部公布与其他政府机构签订的一项联合备忘录通函,打算对在菲律宾就业的外国人实施严谨的就业程序。  菲律宾劳工部本地就业局的鲁比亚·杜台表示,根据现有的政策,特别工作许可证是一次性的,不能延期,有效期最多6个月。在获发特別工作许可证之前,外籍工人也必须提交其活动清单。
来自北部湾和东南亚的生鲜水果经海铁联运班列到达重庆市场,来自重庆的集装箱装满汽车配件,在广西钦州港被装船运往海外……重庆与广西的经济联系似乎从未如此紧密。随着国际陆海贸易新通道(以下简称“陆海新通道”)建设的推进,中国这两个区市正在走向携手对外开放、共促经贸发展的新时期。  建设陆海新通道,互联互通是关键。陆海新通道海铁联运班列正式运营后,钦州保税港区一直着力建设陆海新通道枢纽港,近期在陆海联运、
在泰国,不论是市中心的大型商超,还是市郊的街边小摊,各式各样的移动收付款码随处可见。这是东南亚移动支付市场群雄割据的缩影。  将时间指针拨回2017年,中国移动支付掀起出海热潮。中国电商狂奔近20年,作为基础设施的移动支付日趋完善。但同时,用户渗透率贴近天花板,为寻求强有力的增长点,阿里巴巴和腾讯以支付宝、微信为开山石,乘着“一带一路”的东风,进入东南亚移动支付战场。  在瞬息万变的金融科技市场,
近日,泰国国家会议展览局商务处正式出台“泰国会奖旅游专属计划”,欲借此刺激更多会展游客赴泰旅游,增加消费、延长停留时间。据悉,该计划的有效期将持续至2019年12月31日。  目前,泰国已有262家餐厅、酒店、商场等服务机构加入了该项目,为赴泰企业和会展游客提供更高的折扣。这些项目包括餐厅、咖啡厅、酒店、SPA、商场、表演、娱乐,及一些研讨培训课程,如泰拳或烹饪课等。  马来西亚推出措施吸引中国游
2018年1月,中国正式全面禁止塑料垃圾的进口。作为全球最大的废塑料进口国,中国这一举措有效地制止了其他国家向中国出口塑料垃圾。此后,发达国家和地区开始利用东南亚国家环境管理较松散这一缺口,把塑料垃圾运往东南亚国家,发达国家与东南亚国家之间的“垃圾战”就此打响。  非政府环保组织“绿色和平”及其旗下新闻网站Unearthed、菲律宾新闻网站“拉普勒”的数据显示:中国禁止进口废塑料之后,马来西亚的塑
印尼与澳大利亚大选的时间前后相差仅一个多月,两国签署了《印尼—澳大利亚全面经济伙伴关系协定》(IA-CEPA),两件事相辅相成,为两国双边关系的发展拥有一个全新大胆的开始提供了千载难逢的契机。  接下来几个月里,印尼总统佐科将会不可避免地卷入“政治交易”里。“政治交易”指的是包括政党内的各种政治参与者进行交易,以分配政府部门各种职位的政治行为,各派系的政党都在想方设法从总统的“蛋糕”中分一杯羹。与