
来源 :中国初级卫生保健 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:requst2009
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1 现状与难题 从县级市的总体情况看,由于建市时间短,公共卫生设施相对落后,居民的市民意识不强,重经济、轻卫生的观念使健康教育在决策上不能得到足够的重视,缺乏高层次的组织协调。一些部门和单位领导对城市卫生工作认识不足,对卫生检查走过场,满足于应付一时,从整体上说,健康教育在县级市的各项事业中处于滞后状态。 1 Current situation and problems From the overall situation of county-level cities, due to the short construction time, public health facilities are relatively backward, residents’ awareness of the public is not strong, the concept of heavy economy and light health makes health education not enough attention in decision-making. There is a lack of high-level organizational coordination. The leaders of some departments and units have insufficient understanding of urban health work, and have passed the field of health inspections. They are satisfied to deal with it. On the whole, health education is lagging behind in the county-level cities.
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杭州天宝技术贸易公司,多年从事 CPM系列关节功能康复器及其它骨科器械产品的开发、生产,主 要产品经国家医疗管理部门认证。产品有: 1. TX-C2型 CPM下肢关节器 (智能型,国内首
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近年来 ,人们在研究凋亡中与染色体切割有关的分子时 ,发现了两种新的蛋白质分子 :一种是能被Cas pase 3特异性激活的DNA酶———CAD ,另一种是其抑制物 ,也是其伴侣蛋白——