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为了探索夏播大豆追肥效果,去年,我们黑山县农业技术推广中心在无梁殿镇卡拉木村做了麦茬大豆的追肥效果试验,取得十分理想的效果。 该地块为砂壤土,肥力中等,种麦时亩施磷酸二铵15公斤,5月5日亩追尿素20公斤。小麦收获后,7月15日播种大豆,品种为黑河6号,随种亩施磷酸二铵5公斤,做种 In order to explore the summer sowing soybean topdressing effect, last year, we Heishan County Agricultural Technology Promotion Center in the non-Liangdian Karakamura made wheat stubble soybean top dressing effect test, and achieved very good results. The plot of sandy loam soil, moderate fertility, when planting wheat 15 acres of ammonium phosphate, 15 acres of urea recovery on May 5 20 kg. After the wheat is harvested, the soybean is sown on July 15, the variety is Heihe No. 6, and 5 kg of diammonium phosphate
Nutrition utilization and by-product formation in cultured insect cells has been investigated in several insect cells and has been of great interest to cell cul
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西葫芦(Cucurbita pepo L.)是我国主要栽培蔬菜之一,西葫芦银叶病最近几年在山东普遍发生,危害程度严重,严重影响西葫芦品质和产量,给生产带来严重损失。本文以硕丰早玉西葫芦杂交
During bean seed storage, yield can be lost due to infestations of Acanthoscelides obtectus Say, the bean weevil. The use of resistant varieties has shown promi
The insecticidal activity of Acorus calamus L.rhizome-derived material against adults of Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky was examined by using repellency method
中国水仙(Narcissus tazetta var.chinensis)隶属石蒜科水仙属,是法国水仙的变种,主要产于福建、浙江、上海等地,其中以漳州水仙最负盛名,是一类极具观赏价值的经济植物。但
A strange Papilio female specimen with a prominent yellow wing band type very much like P. brevicauda (and also seen in P. machaon, and P. zelicaon) was capture