FEM analysis for hot rolling process of AM60 alloy

来源 :Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:LEOBB_DB
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The rolling of AM60 sheets for 50%reduction was analyzed with DEFORM to investigate the hot deformation process. The simulated results show that the sheet velocities at the entrance(21 mm/s) and at the exit(37 mm/s) are less and larger than roll velocity,respectively.From the entrance to the neutral point,the velocity at the sheet surface is greater than that at the middle point of sheet in thickness,while that from the neutral point to the exit shows the opposite pattern.The effective strain of the sheet increases from the entrance to the exit due to the continuous reduction in thickness.In addition,the effective strain at the sheet surface reaches to 1.0 and is larger than that of 0.8 at the middle point of sheet.The difference of effective strain in thickness direction has a much stronger effect on the recrystallized fraction than on the recrystallized grain size.The minimum temperature of 347℃is obtained at the surface contacting directly with roll and the maximum temperature 388℃at the middle point of sheet in thickness. The rolling of AM60 sheets for 50% reduction was analyzed with DEFORM to investigate the hot deformation process. The simulated results show that the sheet velocities at the entrance (21 mm / s) and at the exit (37 mm / s) are less and larger than roll velocity, respectively. From the entrance to the neutral point, the velocity at the sheet surface is greater than that at the middle point of sheet in thickness, while that from the neutral point to the exit shows the opposite pattern. effective strain of the sheet increases from the entrance to the exit due to the continuous reduction in thickness. In addition, the effective strain at the sheet surface reaches 1.0 and is larger than that of 0.8 at the middle point of sheet. the difference of effective strain in thickness direction has a much stronger effect on the recrystallized fraction than on the recrystallized grain size. The minimum temperature of 347 ° C is obtained at the surface contacting directly with roll and the maximum temperature 388 ℃ at the middle point of sheet in thickness.
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