黑人女歌星惠特尼·休斯顿去年末有两件大事:一是与她的丈夫、歌手博比·布朗结束了三年半的婚姻而分道扬(?);二是她主演的第二部电影《等待呼气》公映。由于她的爱情故事犹如组歌《我将经常爱你》一样为人传诵;她的第一部电影《保镖》犹如巨型炸弹使她取得了超级巨星的地位。这位影星1994年在《福布斯》杂志评出的“世界高收入的娱乐家”中名列第二十三,1993-94年间收入3300万美元。 休斯顿曾与布朗同台演出,并跃上布朗的手臂,双
Whitney Houston, the black female singer, had two big things at the end of last year: one with her husband, singer Bobby Brown, ending a three-and-a-half-year marriage and parting ways; and the second she starring The film “Waiting for exhale” released. Since her love story is like a group song “I will always love you,” the same person is reciting; her first movie “Bodyguard” is like a giant bomb that made her a superstar. The film star ranked 23rd in “The World’s Top Revenues of Entertainment,” “Forbes” magazine in 1994, earning $ 33 million in 1993-94. Houston played with Brown on the same stage and jumped on Brown’s arm, double