,Study on multi-component combustible gas explosive characteristics of high gas mine*

来源 :中国煤炭(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:heiying123
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Studied on multi-component combustible gas, methane mainly, explosion char-acteristics of high gas mine, obtained the rules of gas explosive limit that influenced by environment temperature, pressure, concentration of oxygen, other combustible gas, coal dust, energy of fire source, and the inert gas, proposed a new method of divide gas explo-sive triangle partition, and gave new partition linear equations. The gas explosive triangle and its new partition has important directive significance in distinguishing if the fire area has a gas explosion when sealing or opening fire area, or fire extinguishing in sealed fire area, and judging if there will be a gas explosion or other trend while fire extinguishing with inert gas.
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