
来源 :当代学生 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mercurian88
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风格迥异的三位女歌手,她们的声音却同样动听,呈现出的是截然不同的感觉。流行爵士风格创作歌手范世琪唱作俱佳,跟随她的声音,踏上一段《梦境》之旅;张靓颖蓄势待发,再次出击乐坛,让我们一起见证她的《改变》;王心凌不一样的《(黏黏)2》,告诉你“最重要的事”。 Three different styles of female singer, their voice is equally impressive, showing a completely different feeling. Popular jazz style creation singer Fan Shiqi singing superb, follow her voice, embark on a “dream” journey; Jane Zhang ready to go out again to the music scene, let us witness her “change”; Cyndi is not the same “ (Sticky) 2 ”, tell you “ the most important thing ”.
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上一集讲到涓涓刚开始玩性太重,静不下心来学习萨克斯,在画眉鸟小姐和柴斯特的鼓励与正确引导下,涓涓感受到了音乐的美,通过自己的努力取得了很大的进步。 The last episode
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