
来源 :人民司法 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:woniu5566
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2008年12月5日,党中央批准了中央政法委关于深化司法体制和工作机制改革的意见。12月19日,最高人民法院院长王胜俊在全国高级法院院长会议上明确指出,最高人民法院应根据中央的部署要求,围绕中央确定的优化司法职权配置、落实宽严相济刑事政策、加强队伍建设、加强经费保障等重点,制定落实改革意见的实施方案,供各级人民法院贯彻实施。新中国人民法院的司法改革,在新的历史条件下又将迈出新的步伐,开始新的征程。最高人民法院在1996年3月召开的八届全国人大四次会议上,第一次提出把改革作为人民法院的一项重要工作。1997年9月,党的十五大确立了依法治国的基本方略,提出了“推进司法改革”的战略任务,人民法院司法改革由此拉开 On December 5, 2008, the Central Party Committee approved the views of the Central Political and Law Commission on deepening the reform of the judicial system and working mechanism. On December 19, Wang Shengjun, president of the Supreme People’s Court, made it clear at the meeting of the president of the Supreme People’s Court that the Supreme People’s Court should, in accordance with the requirements of the Central Committee’s deployment, revolve around the arrangement of optimizing the judicial powers and powers set forth by the Central Committee, implement the criminal policy of strict and lenientism, and strengthen team building Strengthen the funding guarantee and other key points and formulate implementation plans for implementing the reform opinions for the people’s courts at all levels to carry them out. Under the new historical conditions, the judicial reform of the People’s Court of the People’s Republic of China will take another new step and start a new journey. At the Fourth Session of the Eighth National People’s Congress, held in March 1996, the Supreme People’s Court first proposed reform as an important task of the people’s court. In September 1997, the 15th National Congress of the Communist Party of China established the basic strategy of governing the country according to law and put forward the strategic task of “promoting judicial reform,” and the judicial reform of the people’s court was started
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近年来,我院积极探索实践符合基层检察院发展规律的管理科学化模式,实现了从素质建设到质量管理、从质量管理到绩效管理的提升,以科学管理推动了检察公信力建设。 In recent