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10月9日至11日,以“探三祖文化迎冬奥盛会促两岸发展”为主题的2015在京台生“寻根祭祖燕赵行”系列活动在河北张家口展开。此次活动由全国台联与河北省台联联合举办,全国台联副会长陈杰、河北省台联会长王耀冀参加。50余名来自清华、北大、人大等高校的台生共同探寻三祖文化,提前感受2022年北京冬奥会举办地之一河北崇礼的奥运气息,在冰雪博物馆里探寻崇礼滑雪节的历史沿革,一赏草原“天路”的美丽风光,走进长城中粮桑干酒庄,品味红酒甘醇……行程满满,让学生们大呼过瘾。这是继今年5月份在保定举办后,又一次台生相聚河北, From October 9 to 11, a series of activities entitled “Seeking Roots and Advocating Zan Yan Zhao Zhaoban” in 2015 with the theme of “exploring the culture of the Antecedents and the Zhusheng for the winter and promoting cross-Strait development” were held in Zhangjiakou, Hebei Province. The event was jointly organized by the National Taiwan Strait and the National Taiwan Strait in Hebei Province. Chen Jie, vice president of the Taiwan Strait, and Wang Yaoji, president of the Taiwan Strait in Hebei Province, attended the event. More than 50 Taiwanese students from universities such as Tsinghua University, Peking University and the National People’s Congress jointly sought the culture of the Three Patrits and learned the Olympic spirit of Hebei Chongli, one of the places where the 2022 Beijing Olympic Winter Games were held. The history of Chongli Ski Festival was explored in the Museum of Ice and Snow History, a Prairie “Tianlu ” beautiful scenery, into the Great Wall Cangang Sanggan winery, taste red wine glycol ... ... full travel, so that students hooked. This is the second in May this year, held in Baoding, Taiwan once again meet students in Hebei,
BAsF公司宣布,其正在将设在德国的纺织和皮革染料全球总部迁移至新加坡,以便把经营集中于广大的亚洲市场。 BAsF announced that it is relocating its global headquarters
从严治厂 初战告捷──丰镇发电厂首次实现安全一百天王泽普编者按:一座装机百万千瓦的火电厂实现安全生产100天,这个水准,不要说拿到全国,就是在华北电网也是"低标准,瓜菜代"。本刊所
法国Elf Atochem公司与武汉有机化工公司在武汉建设一家合资企业。Eif占60%股份,武汉有机化工公司占40%股份。预计,该合资 The French company Elf Atochem and Wuhan Organic