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山无水不活,少了水的山总是让人觉得少了那么一点儿灵气;水是山的血脉、山的精神。 泰山石灵水也秀。溪谷把泰山分成了6个扇状的景区,于是便有了“幽、旷、奥、秀、妙、丽”各景区。自古命名的56处瀑布潭池,一到雨丰水涨的夏天,山格外抖起了精神,有溪皆流水,无潭不涌 Mountain water is not alive, less water mountains always make people feel less a little Aura; water is the mountain’s blood, the spirit of the mountains. Taishan Shiling water also show. Valley into the Tarzan six fan-shaped area, so they have “quiet, Kuang, Austria, show, wonderful, beautiful,” the area. Since ancient times, the name of 56 waterfall pool, a rainy water up in summer, the mountain exceptionally shaken spirit, there are streams are flowing, no flood
1998年5月,离我大学毕业只有一个多月了。我剃光了脑袋,背上木吉他,穿着黄军装,带上仅有的四百多块钱,走出这个培养了我的校园,到大西北去流浪,去完成大学未完成的梦…… In
既然在多伦多住了下来,就免不了要去商店购物。 那天,打开冰箱,发现沙拉酱瓶空了。公寓楼下有一间韩国人开的杂货铺,于是下楼买了一瓶。 傍晚,女儿下班回家,听说这件事,对我
自从意识到“灵魂”的存在,西部远行的情结,就久久地徘徊心底。我背负我的所有,踏上了阿里之旅…… Ever since I realized the existence of the “soul” and the complex
地处山西省霍州市的中镇霍山陶唐峪,崇山峻岭中,有两个天然形成的连洞穴。传说尧王曾在此栖息,与民同甘共苦,风雨共济。先祖明德,留芳百世…… 伫立翠峦尧洞前, 低头沉思忆哲贤。
Research was carried out at the University of Karlsruhe in the last 10 years to modify existing formulas and improve our knowledge on the determina
This paper deals with the effects of average flow velocity, obstacle length and sediment size on time evolution of scour depth near thin, vertical obstacles, p
Deposition of coarse sediment at the entrance of a reservoir is for many reasons an undesired side- effect. Besides loss of storage volume which concer