Efficient Syntheses of Permethylated Derivatives of Neolamellarin A,a Pyrrolic Marine Natural Produc

来源 :Journal of Ocean University of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dabeisha
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The pyrrole-derived alkaloids with marine origin, especially their permethyl derivatives, have unique structures and promising biological activities. Marine natural product neolamellarins are a collection of lamellarin-like phenolic pyrrole compounds, which can inhibit hypoxia-induced HIF-1 activation. Many pyrrole-derived lamellarin-like alkaloids show potent MDR reversing activity. In this study, five permethylated derivatives of neolamellarin A were synthesized with their MDR reversing activity studied in order to identify new MDR reversal agents. A convergent strategy was adopted to synthesize the permethylated derivatives of neolamellarin A. Pyrrole was first converted into a corresponding N-trisisopropylsilyl(TIPS)-substituted derivative, then through iodination afforded 3,4-diiodinated pyrrole compound. The key intermediate, 3,4-disubstituent-1H-pyrrole, was obtained through desilylation of 3,4-disubstituent-1-TIPS pyrrole, which was prepared from 3,4-diiodinated pyrrole derivative and aryl boronic acid ester through Suzuki cross-coupling reaction between them. Then, the intermediate, 3,4-disubstituent-1H-pyrrole, reacted with fresh phenylacetyl chloride under n-Bu Li/THF condition afforded the target compounds. Finally, we obtained five novel pyrrolic compounds, permethylated derivatives of neolamellarin A 16a-e, in 30%–37% yield through five step reactions. The bioactivity testing of these compounds are in process.
近年来,我校在保护视力方面做了不少工作,发现经常打电子游戏机的学生视力减退明显。为了解打电子游戏机是否是影响视力的重要因素,我们于1992年3月进行了本项调查。 In re
甲:我们祖国风光好,  乙:名山大川真不少,  丙:黄山庐山昆仑山,  丁:气势豪!  甲:黄河之水天上来,  乙:万里长江奔东海,  丙:中华民族母亲河,  丁:好气派!  甲:中国历史最悠久,  乙:名胜古迹到处有,  丙:世界遗产如珍宝,  丁:遍神州!  甲:祖国山河美如画,  乙:我们要好好保护她,  丙:建成美丽大花园,  丁:靠大家!  甲:可是有人不注意,  乙:一心只为GDP, 
一、 “猜谜”游戏  猜谜语是一种妙趣横生的娱乐活动,也是一种开发智力的游戏。小小的谜语,不仅营造了宽松和谐的课堂教学气氛,同时让学生在趣味盎然中快乐识字,发展智慧。  【教学片段一】 二下《识字2》  师:今天,在学习新课之前,大家先猜一个谜语,好不好?  生:好!  师:先听老师说谜面——“十人两个筐,个个抢瓜忙,明知筐没底,漏掉也要装。”你们知道是什么运动吗?  生:是篮球。  师:你怎么猜
1989年以来,青岛市教育局针对青年学生的思想实际,把国情教育列为学校德育工作的一项重要内容,开展丰富多彩的国情教育活动,取得了较好的效果。他们的做法是: 一、把国情教