An Increase in TDDB Lifetime of Partially Depleted SOI Devices Induced by Proton Irradiation

来源 :Chinese Physics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jkdjzzg
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The effects of proton irradiation on the subsequent time-dependent dielectric breakdown(TDDB) of partially depleted SOI devices are experimentally investigated. It is demonstrated that heavy-ion irradiation will induce the decrease of TDDB lifetime for many device types, but we are amazed to find a measurable increase in the TDDB lifetime and a slight decrease in the radiation-induced leakage current after proton irradiation at the nominal operating irradiation bias. We interpret these results and mechanisms in terms of the effects of radiation-induced traps on the stressing current during the reliability testing, which may be significant to expand the understanding of the radiation effects of the devices used in the proton radiation environment. The effects of proton irradiation on the subsequent time-dependent dielectric breakdown (TDDB) of partially depleted SOI devices are experimentally investigated. It is demonstrated that heavy-ion irradiation will induce the decrease of TDDB lifetime for many device types, but we are amazed to find a measurable increase in the TDDB lifetime and a slight decrease in the radiation-induced leakage current after proton irradiation at the nominal operating irradiation bias. We interpret these results and mechanisms in terms of the effects of radiation-induced traps on the stressing current during the reliability testing, which may be significant to expand the understanding of the radiation effects of the devices used in the proton radiation environment.
[摘要]本文通过对周期性实验设计的具体分析进行研究,把一般性的实验教学训练过程进行科学的论证和设计,旨在为今后高职院校的运动队训练提供一定的科学指导。  [关键词]周期性 实验设计 身体素质  [中图分类号]G712 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1009-5349(2014)12-0191-01  一、研究方法  (一)文献资料法  通过收集和阅读有关的著作和国内外文献资料的知识经验和研究成果,
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