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甘蔗在生长的同时也积累糖分,在正常的情况下,生长快的积累糖分也多,但要到一定的株龄后,在低温干燥的条件下,糖分积累的速度才明显加快。春、夏植期的甘蔗,6个月株龄前糖分积累少,6个月株龄后,糖分积累才明显增多。秋、冬植期的甘蔗,10个月株龄前糖分积累少,10个月株龄后,糖分积累才明显增多。在相同的气候条件下,植期早,株龄较老的糖分积累多。夏植甘蔗虽能达到相当的含糖量,但不能达到该品种固有糖分的高峰。 蔗汁还原糖的含量随株龄的增加而降低,蔗汁重力纯度则随株龄的增加而提高,下种期较早,株龄较老的还原糖含量低,蔗汁纯度高。蔗汁还原糖含量从8~4月份起又开始增多,表明蔗株开始出现“回糖”现象。 蔗茎干物质积累与糖分积累有直接的关系,蔗茎积累的干物质多,糖分亦随之增加。 蔗茎节段的糖分含量自下而上逐节段降低,春植蔗10月份以前各节段糖分差异明显,11月份以后差异较小,并逐渐倾于一致。下部节间的糖分达高峰时需时较长,中、上部节间需时较短。表明蔗茎糖分积累从下而上依节段渐次进行是成熟的基本规律,蔗茎上下部节段的糖分接近一致是成熟的重要特征。 蔗茎节段还原糖的含量自下而上逐节段依次增加。不论那一个节段,还原糖的含量皆随株龄的增加而下降,蔗汁重力纯度则随株龄的增加而提高? Sugar cane also accumulates sugars while growing. Under normal conditions, sugar cane grows rapidly. However, after a certain age, the rate of sugar accumulation is obviously accelerated under low temperature and dry conditions. The sugarcane in spring and summer planting period had less accumulated sugar before 6 months of age and significantly increased after 6 months of age. Sugar cane in the autumn and winter planting period accumulated less sugar before 10 months of age and significantly increased after 10 months of age. In the same climatic conditions, early planting, older strains of sugar accumulation. Although summer sugar cane can reach a considerable amount of sugar, but can not reach the peak of inherent sugar content of the variety. The content of reducing sugar in cane juice decreased with the increase of plant age. The gravity purity of cane juice increased with the increase of plant age. The earlier the next seedling stage, the lower the reducing sugar content of older plants and the higher purity of cane juice. Sugarcane juice reducing sugar content from 8 to April again began to increase, indicating that sugar cane began to appear “phenomenon”. Cane stems dry matter accumulation and sugar accumulation has a direct relationship, cane stems accumulated more dry matter, sugar also increases. The sugarcane content of sugarcane and cane segments decreased from bottom to top, and the sugar content of each segment of spring sugarcane was obviously different before October. After November, there was little difference and gradually became consistent. Lower section of the sugar up to the peak time takes longer, in the upper internode shorter time. The results showed that the accumulation of sugar in cane stems from the bottom up gradually according to the segment is the basic law of maturity, sugarcane stem segments near the top of the sugar is an important feature of maturity. The content of reducing sugars in cane stem segments increased from bottom to top in succession. Regardless of that segment, the content of reducing sugars decreased with the increase of plant age, and the gravity purity of sugarcane juice increased with the increase of plant age.
<正> 1 引言镇级供电所(公司)是供电企业最基层的单位之一,其主要工作是在上级有关部门的指导下,负责镇级行政区域内的中压(10kV)和低压(380/220V)配电网的运行管理、工程管